Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Does Psy's 'Gangnam Style' fulfill a Nostradamus Doomsday 2012 prophesy?

As December 21, 2012 draws near, many believers in the "Doomsday" scenario look to an old friend for guidance: Nostradamus.

And one video on YouTube claims to have found evidence that the world's most famous seer knew just what omen would signify the end of the world. That's right. It's PSY's "Gangnam Style" video which has broken all-time records for viewing.

According to an article posted to Blogger on Monday, December 10, the worldwide phenomenon triggered by the video fulfills one of Nostradamus' quatrain prophesies about the apocalypse scheduled to occur on the winter solstice.

"From the calm morning, the end will come, when of the dancing horse, the number of circles will be nine."

As usual, the quatrain is deliberately vague and open to interpretation.

[Click here to read full article]

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