Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Paranormal Christmas Ghost

It began as a relaxing if curious holiday vacation at a bed and breakfast with a reputation for being haunted. What Kathy Moll encountered there that Christmas season, however, would stay with her forever.

We are all very familiar with the ghosts of Christmas that Charles Dickens introduced to us in his classic story, "A Christmas Carol." In the Dickens story, only Marley's ghost and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come were foreboding, frightening spirits - ghosts of the type that Kathy Moll experienced during the 1999 Christmas season. Kathy and her sister Nanci and Nanci's husband Darryl were enjoying a pre-Christmas holiday at The Lauren Danielle bed and breakfast in Guthrie, Oklahoma when she encountered her own Ghost of Christmas Present. This is her true story...

I sensed something about the house when I first entered. The Lauren Danielle is a beautiful Victorian home with a colorful history. Built in 1890, the house was the home of Territorial Governor Renfro, Charles West, first State Attorney General, and later Chris Madsen, US Marshall, who used the basement as a jail (in fact, the iron bars are still intact on the windows). Listed in the National Register of Historic Homes, the wonderfully restored house is today a popular bed and breakfast in central Oklahoma, just north of Oklahoma City. On this occasion, innkeepers Cliff and Debi Judd had lavishly but tastefully decorated the home for Christmas.

But I was sensing more than the holiday spirit at The Lauren Danielle. Bear in mind that I already knew that there was a spirit cat in the house, due to the newspaper article my sister Nanci shared with me before our arriving. Debi Judd showed us around the home, beautifully appointed in period antiques. She let us take our pick of rooms. When I was offered the room downstairs near the stairs, I went to look at it. I could not even enter the room, however - the vibrations were very strong and territorial. I just stood at the door and looked in. Anyone else who did not have sensitivity to these types of vibrations would have seen a lovely room done up in golds and browns. I knew I did not want to be in there by myself. In fact, the only room I felt somewhat okay about was the room my sister eventually chose. So I took the adjoining room, which was pretty, but had a very heavy feeling to it.

[Click here to read full article]