Monday, December 24, 2012

Tampines Potianak account by biker

True or Fake you decide

( a story by author who do not want to be disclosed)

It was  a usual night out, I was  with my girlfriend & when she out of a sudden complained that she is not feeling well . Being the gentleman I send her home.

She was staying in Tampines and I therefore had the choice of either using the TPE (Tampines Expressway) or to cut though the Old Tampines Rd. As  it was pretty  late already, I went by  TPE.

we reached her place soon, I chatted with her parents for a while and left for home soon after. I had to decide on which route to take again. as  I was tired and hungry, therefore I decided to take the Old Tampines Rd, as it was a shorter route & it  near to Hougang where there are coffee place which i can take some snacks.

 Half way through, I was beginning to feel like something is sitting behind me. It seems that My bike was heavier by the second and no matter how hard I turned the throttle, the 200cc bike could not go faster. I was running on full tank.

I felt a spooked. I sensed something  behind me and I felt something brushing on my neck. Come to think of it, it actually felt like hair! Well, I couldn’t sustain my curiosity and quickly turned my head to see what’s (or who’s) bothering me.

I had the shock of life. I saw someone, or something. I assumed it was a lady, in white, with long hair. MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… IT’S A PONTIANAK!!

She was sitting on my bike, the “kampong” style, i.e. Her legs were not across the seat but instead she was seating on the side, her legs together and facing my right direction. Thank god I didn’t get to see her face!

I didn’t spend too much time “admiring” her. In the split second, I looked back in front and focused on the road. Kept praying to myself… Please GOD help me!!

Soon I reached the main road, thank God. I sped all the way home. One piece of advise for all bikers out there, NEVER take the Old Tampines Rd at night. Never!


  1. LOL never assume things are fake unless you are the husband of the pretty long hair lady. This is a true thing that has happened to not 1 not a few but many bikers, I myself have encountered long hair outside my car window. Be my guest try going there a few times. Just not expect it but rather go there without any thought. They love it
