Thursday, December 17, 2009

2007 Eerie Events and Paranormal and Unexplained Happenings

Author: Debbie Nicholson

Every year there are stories of the strange, unusual and unexplained. Recorded cases of spirit visitations, demon presence, haunted items. Strange seen occurrences that are not explainable. A lot of these are reported by ordinary persons like you and I. Who swear that what they relate are actual true events either witnessed by themselves or someone they knew.

As of September 2007, a new collection of events were complied. I found the count so far of the paranormal and explained to be as follows:

Ghost related incidents 44
Doppelganger 7
Hauntings or Haunted includeds item possessions: 11
UFOs 4
Angels 9
Ouija/Seance 2
Creatures/Monsters 18
Spirits 35
Visions/Premonitions 5
Demons 29
Others (those that do not or I feel do not fit in the above) 47

Some of these related incidents or stories fall into the famous "known" category, such as Big Foot, Moth Man, UFOs. Just like famous ghost stories like the 'Lady of the Lake" or "The Lady In White" which we have all heard time and time again. Some of them just seem impossible to believe while others can intrigue us.

One story is of the Haunted Cruise Ship Sapphire Princess. In May 2007 a incident was reported. The story goes that when the ship was being built in japan, a fire occurred. It was on the 13th floor and killed hundreds. Japanese tradition states that the site where a person dies of tragedy must be preserved. This is so the person who died does not realize they are dead. It was related that the 13th floor was constructed to resemble all other floors but is blocked off to the public. A witness stated that there is a landing between floors 12 and 14 but there is no 13th floor. They did witness strange and eerie events on the landing including chilled air.

With some old fashioned surfing I did find that Princess Cruise Ships do offer so called "spooky shore excursions". One of the ships in their fleet the Sapphire Princess goes to Singapore where the Hill Street Building is located. It is rumored that there are a lot of ghost sightings.

Click here to read full article

1 comment:

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