Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Thai Spirit House

By: Ghosts and Spirits of Thailand

Almost every home and business has a Spirit House, the Thai word for them is San Phra Phum, here is an image of a typical Spirit House:

Thailand Spirit House

The Spirit Houses are used to house any spirits that live on the land, particularly spirits of ancestors who have passed, and providing a Spirit House helps to ensure that harmony and serenity will descend upon the land and property, the idea being that if they have their own dwelling in which to reside they will not feel it necessary to haunt the main house or building. To ensure the spirits are content in their abode they are provided with offerings of food, drinks, garlands and incence sticks. If properly provided for the spirit guardians will protect the dwelling and bring wealth and prosperity. Spirits that inhabit houses and private dwellings are known as Phra Phum and for businesses they are called Phra Chai Mong Kol.

San Phra Phum are placed on the land as determined by a Brahman Priest or another person specialising in these rituals who will find the best position, ideally to the North of the main building, and ensure that the shadow of the main house never reaches the spirit house as this is regarded as very unlucky. The priest will also determin the best day for the ceremony to invite the spirit into the Spirit House, this is calculated using certain dates - the best days are on Wednesday or Thursday, in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 11th waxing or waning moon. They also need to ensure that the selected date does not co-incide with other dates in the calendar which are regarded as bad luck.

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