Monday, April 26, 2010

Chinese Getting Rich trading with ‘Ghost’

From: HypeSeek@AsiaParanormal

I have come across a Taoist’s method to get rich by trading with ‘ghost’. The Taoist only to be known as Tui, whom revealed this method to me is a practitioner of black hat Taoism. In simple, we may call him a practitioner of ‘Pan Meng Zhuo Dao’ in mandarin, before we proceed further; I have set up some serious disclaimers at the bottom of the posting. Please read them first before you proceed.

We are all very familiar with the urban legends from the west, like Bloody Mary, Ouija board and to a lesser extent, tying a red thread on your toe to a banana tree and etc. to connect to the unknown. Most of the mentioned methods to connect to the unknown are for the sake of curiosity. Tui’s method is a dark Taoist arcane that is practiced upon for a purpose; and that is to get rich. I would need to stress a lot here that Tui’s is not a follower of the actual Taoism; he is a Pan Meng (pseudo Taoist) so please do not associate Tui and his method with Taoism.

According to Tui, the first thing to do is to purchase some salt and provide it with packages. Separate the salt into packages of roughly 200 grams each, prepare two green joss sticks and a bell or wind chime and set off for trading after 12am midnight. The suggested location to trade is either in a cemetery, abandoned hospital or old folk home. When settled down in the designated location, start by burning the joss sticks. After the joss sticks are done, displayed your salt in a way you would have if you are selling groceries. Sit down and ring your bell, you are done setting up the stall. Now you just need to wait for your potential customers. When a spirit approaches, they will likely going to provoke you a little bit by scaring you. Ignore the spirit and wait for the spirit to goes off, then a package of salt is gone with them. The spirit will leave a possession behind in return of the salt it took; don’t expect to see cash notes, gold or platinum in front of you. The spirit will exchange the salt with a body part of theirs for the salt. The sight could be threatening as they may trade their severed head with you. If you are able to endure the ordeal till 6am in the morning. The body parts that you collect thru out the night will transform and pile up into precious stones like gold, topaz or crystal. The sizes of the gems will vary depending on how much the salt has assisted the spirits.


This posting is presented for your entertainment and reading pleasure only. Do not try this, or try this at your own risk. I am not responsible for any harm or damaged that would have incurred as a result of following the stated method in this article and its related materials in contacting the unknown. I have not gone thru the ordeal myself and can’t tell you the outcome. Furthermore, Tui may have left out some steps in details or details that he never reveals and this may not be safe for practice. This posting is filed and posted under the stories section.

Related: Chinese Black Magic Sorcery

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