Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gaza facing genie hysteria


Chalk one up for the survival of local folklore in the Gaza Strip: Residents of the town of Deir al-Balah are convinced there are genies on the lose.

Genies – or djinn in Arabic – are being blamed for a series of fires in Deir al-Balah (عربي).

The Hamas-linked Palpress news agency reports that the town’s residents are convinced that two unexplained housefires on March 29th and April 1st were set by malicious djinn.

Apparently, the rumors of paranormal causes for the fire were so widespread that Gaza police were forced to issue a statement criticizing the “abusers” and “rumormongers” who were spreading the word about the djinn, with policemen telling Deir al-Balah’s residents that the threads on local Arabic-language websites (of course) were bunk.

[Click here to read full article]

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