Monday, December 14, 2009

Mysterious Peking Man Again

Aurthor: Loren Coleman

The media has turned to a Gigantopithecus and Homo erectus expert (who has said some things about Yeti) for his views on the breaking “Peking Man” news.

Today, various news sites will overwhelm you with the information that the famed “Peking Man” fossils (really some of which are of females) are maybe 200,000 years older than previously thought, according to a new dating study.

The revised date could change, we are being told, the timeline and number of migrations of the Homo erectus species out of Africa and into Asia. It also suggests that Peking Man endured glacial climates.

The first fossils of the species were found on Java, Indonesia, in 1892 by Eugène Dubois, and thus called “Java Man” (originally Pithecanthropus erectus).

Click here to read full article

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