Monday, December 14, 2009

World War II's Haunted Island

By Yona Williams

When you are interested in finding out some of the haunted locations, legends and tales regarding Japan, World War II has left some unsettled spirits and souls. There are many haunted spots that can be found within this small, island country, including air bases, hospitals and other military-related areas.

The Atsugi Naval Air Base (BEQ 985) is the site where the spirit of a man can be spotted visiting various rooms. It is said that he is the ghost of a marine that was involved in a car accident during the 60s.

The Barracks 1687, Room 301, located in Iwakuni is the site where a Marine committed suicide. Drunk and angry, the Marine broke a mirror and slit his wrists with a broken piece. Some say his face can be seem staring back at you when you look into the mirror.

When you reach the well-known city of Hiroshima, you will learn that the souls of nuclear bomb victims from World War II can be encountered here. Some believe that the souls of these victims can be found within the shadows of the living. Another area similar to Hiroshima is called Nagasaki, where souls of nuclear victims have been reported to haunt the area. Some claim to have heard voices crying out for help, as well as screaming.

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