Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Poem about China UFO

by Liu Shahe

Liu Shahe was a writer in China who was inspired to write the following poem after he encountered a supposed UFO in 1979. He published his account in the Science Literature of Sichuan.

This has been translated from the original poem written in Chinese.

Suddenly it appears,
Mysteriously it vanishes,
Flooding the sky with curiousity.
Lights of green,
Lights of orange,
Dazzle mans eye.

Flying disc?
People beyond the Earth?
These are incredible.
"Civilization is ours only," says he
Out of conservatism and prejudice.

What the naked eye has seen,
What danced on radar screen,
Was branded sheer illusion.
Whereas stale dogmas
Are chanted as gospel.

A visitor from another planet
On board a flying disc
Knocks at our door;
But we, frogs in the well,
Skulking in the bottom,
Dare not venture to answer.

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