Tuesday, February 16, 2010

UFOs in ancient China

by Joan Seth

There have been accounts of UFO sightings all over the world, since ancient times. Ancient cave paintings have depicted what seems to be figures with "dome shaped" heads. Renaissance paintings have shown objects in the skies suspiciously similar to Flying Saucers.

In ancient China, there have been stories and writings of sightings of UFOs. Here we shall look at some of them:

1) Dong Tien Ji (Peeping On The Sky)

Dong Tien Ji was a book originating from the Tang Dynasty.

The story goes: In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), a celestial ship, over fifty feet long, was found and placed in the Ling De Hall. The ship gave out a metallic sound when struck, and was of very hard material which was rustproof. Li Deyu, the Tang Prime Minister, cut over a foot of a slender stick of the ship and carved it into a figure of a Taoist priest. The Taoist figurine flew away and then returned. In the years of Emperor Daoming, the figurine disappeared and the ship flew away.

2) Strange Happenings (a chapter in Meng Qi Bi Tan)

Meng Qi Bi Tan was a book of essays compiled by Shen Kua of the Song Dynasty.

In the chapter, Strange Happenings, it described in the years of Emperor Jiayou (1056-1064), a UFO as bright as a pearl often make its appearance over the city of Yangzhou of Jiangsu province. At first the object was seen on a lake in Tienzhang county in eastern Anhui and later on the Pishe lake of Gaoyou county in Jiangsu. Subsequently it was often seen by local inhabitants near Xingkai lake.

One night, a man living by the lakeside found a shining pearl while studying outdoors. The object opened it's door and a flood of intense light like sunbeams darted out. The outer shell opened appearing as large as a bed with a big pearl the size of a fist. The intense silver white light, shot from the interior, was too strong for human eyes to behold; it cast shadows of every tree within a radius of ten miles. The spectacle was like the rising sun, lighting up the sky and woods in red. Then all of a sudden, the object took off at a tremendous speed and descended upon the lake like the sun setting.

3) Red Flames in the Sky

In 1890, Wu You Ru, an artist living in the Qing Dynasty, witnessed, with hundreds of passers-bys, a fireball radiating red light in all directions in the sky. He then painted the scene, naming it Red Flames in the Sky. In the painting, he described an egg shaped fireball with red light. It floated in the sky, moving eastward. It lingered for a period of a meals time, fading into the distance little by little.

Picture is (C) copyright to Wu You Ru

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