Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Methods to become the Chinese Ghost in Red

The below content is for general knowledge and reading pleasure only. At all, cost most discouraged and highly inadvisable to try it out or of any other sorts, related. Do not test it out or try it. Life is too precious to end it.

If you had read the earlier link which is about Chinese Ghost in Red, here is some typical perfect way and scenario to become a "ghost in RED" according to the traditional guidelines but in a modern way now.

Step 1 Dye your hair to be RED.

Step 2 Very Heavy Make Out in RED (Lipstick, eyelash etc.).

Step 3 Color your finger nails and toe nails to be RED.

Step 4 RED jewelaries and accessories.

Step 5 RED Bra and Panties.

Step 6 RED Stockings and Long Red Gloves.

Step 7 RED Clothes (Chinese Cheongsam is Ideal).

Step 8 RED high heel Shoes.

Step 9 In a Room with Flooring, Walls, Ceiling, Doors and Window all RED.

Step 10 In a Room with lights of RED.

Step 11 Wear RED contact Lens or spectacles.

Step 12 The death time should be ideally somewhere around or in between from 12midnight - 3am.

Step 13 Die a gruesome death with blood splattered all over the place when corpse is found.

A very powerful and Ferocious Ghost in RED, full of Anger and Hate that is out for revenge, seeking for blood debts by taking away lives is here now.

Picture is (C) copyright to Gong Hai Fat Choi Wordpress


  1. anyone who follows this so called method is definately not in a proper state of the mind!

  2. very unthinkable and unimaginable, if there is anyone who really use this method. it kind of like some horror movie already

  3. this is really cool i enjoy following your blog.. cheers..

  4. Aiya!!! All sounds very gruesome. I just wrote an article about it here.

    I guess next time I should avoid shopping for anything red with my girlfriend. If I don't buy her all the red accessories she wants then she might come back and haunt me as a red Peace Out Oregon and keep up the ghostbusting!
