Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Majestic Allghoi Khorkhoi of the Gobi Desert

By Chris Capps

The Allghoi Khorkhoi, as it is called, must be the most elusive living creature in the whole of the Gobi desert. And despite this, it is still a brightly lit and aggressive creature for those who have the unfortunate fate of encountering it first hand. Those who recognize the disturbing description may know it better as the "Mongolian Death Worm."

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Roy Chapman Andrews, who is credited as being the inspiration for the character Indiana Jones in the film series of the same name, was the first to record the creature in a book entitled "On the Trail of Ancient Man." In the book Chapman described the creature as the Gobi people had described it, though he was a skeptic at heart and didn't believe there was anything more to the legend than mere stories. Still, those who described it to him, he says, did so down to the most minute of details.

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