Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nigthmares of Genie - True Ghost Story Malaysia

Author: Peter Khoo

IT ALL happened in October. The jin was all over our rented house in Kajang. We packed our clothes and moved to a nearby hotel and, the next day, found a nice apartment to stay in. Then we returned to the other house to carry back our things to the apartment. We sensed the jin to be all over the house including on the cupboards and clothes we were removing. It was scary! When we flapped over a mattress, we saw a black stuff on its logo. The logo slowly grew to look like an old Chinese costume – exactly like a costume my daughter wore at a fancy dress contest.

We felt like the whole house was on fire! We managed to just get an old cupboard and some old clothing out and left everything else, including my daughter’s school bag, books and uniform. It was a total loss.

Blinded by spirits

We slept in our new apartment on the bare floor, without blankets or pillows. Things got worse. Spirits bit my daughter and she became blind! I consulted some friends and found a kind ‘spiritual Master’ in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur, who helped my daughter to see again. I wanted the Master to reverse back the ‘charm’ to the person who started it but he said it would not do any good as there would only be an endless chain of spells.

He, however, told us that the person responsible was one of my sisters-in-law. He asked if we had some pictures of her and when we took her photos to him, the Master identified her to be the culprit. We also showed him a photo of my daughter in the Chinese costume at the contest, taken by the sister-in-law. We then returned to the apartment to rest. Then, all of a sudden, my daughter let out a loud scream, crying that she could not see anything and that someone was hitting her. We rushed back to see the Master and, again...

Click here to read full story

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