Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How to avoid food spiked with evil charms

by Gong Tao Siao

As to love portion,womenfolk should observe the following:-

1. Prevention is the best course and you should not hurt anyones feelings especially those who are attracted to you.If you couldnt reciprocate anyones love and affection,then be nice about it.Hell hath no fury than woman also applies to certain men who would go to extremes to get satisfaction!

2. Should you be the type who never listens to good advice,then be extra careful with your personal belongings. Dont leave your photographs,hair,fingernail clippings,use sanitary towels or anything of that sort accessible to other people.This would include not sharing personeal and picture profiles in the internet.All that could fall in wrong hands and could be used as a tool to get you into trouble.

3. If you are the aggresive type and have to hit someone,try to avoid spitting at them for your saliva could also be used as a tool against yourself.Hit him with durian,a coconut or a jackfruit if you really have to.Not only would you inflict more pain,he would at least have a benefit of enjoying the fruit and hopefully would not be so vindictive afterwards..

Unfortunately,its not posibble to keep everything away from people who harbour bad intention towards youfor they will get it somehowif they are keen enough.In addition,there are certain love potions that could be manufactured without any of your personal stuff an it could be effected from a distance too! other words,there no foolproof measure that exists.

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