Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mumbai's "Sweet" Sea Water Incident

by Bernama

It all began on Friday night when some fishermen who washed their hands in the sea off Mumbai found that the water was sweet.

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Word began to spread like wild fire with thousands of people from near and far flocking to the Mumbai seafront to witness what they believe is yet another "miracle" in a country prone to such phenomena.

Within an hour, the television cameras had descended on the beach and by midnight, according to some newspaper reports, there was mayhem.

TV newcasts showed people scooping up handfuls to drink the water on the spot while others bathed apparently to wash away their sins.

The Sunday Times of India calls it "18 Hours of Mass Hysteria" as it was only by Saturday morning that the human tide began to recede after word got around that the water had become "less sweet".

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