Friday, July 16, 2010

Fengshui Master's Viewpoint on Merlion Struck by lightning

The Toto optimists see it as a sign that the worst is over for Singaporeans, speculating that the Merlion could have - heroically - sucked the 'suay' (bad luck) out of our way forward.

Who you gonna believe? Who you gonna call?

We called the fengshui experts - and were left as dumbstruck (pardon the pun) as our precious Merlion.

The geomancy experts, too, were divided.
Geomancer John Lok, who runs, said the event could have positive implications.

'As the Merlion was hit by light on its head, it could signify that Singaporeans will be able to see more clearly, as this is a wake-up call to all Singaporeans.

'This year - the (Chinese) zodiac Year of the Ox - has a sign which represents 'ugly' or 'clown'. As a result, there will be some superficial events occurring, such as the lightning strike on the Merlion

Picture is (C) copyright to Asiaone Travel

Another geomancer, Master Lim Koon Hian of San Yen Geomancy Centre, agreed. He said the event signified that Singaporeans would experience a wake-up call, and a greater understanding of events around them.

Fengshui master Gwee Kim Woon, who runs Fulu Geomancy Centre, told Lianhe Wanbao that the lightning strike had only damaged a small portion of the Merlion's head, and not the entire head.

'This could mean that it has averted a more serious disaster,' he said.

He added that, judging from the Merlion's position, it is possible that the lightning strike could bring about a release of good fortune in Singapore.

He explained that the lightning strike could be interpreted as the 'ignition' of wealth and luck for Singapore.

[Click here to read full article]

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