Friday, July 16, 2010

Minister's view on Merlion Struck by lightning

Part of Merlion's skull fell apart after a Lightning Bolt struck its head on Saturday. (See above picture)

Following the strike, an emergency cabinet meeting was organized as ministers tried to make sense of what is going on. Minister of Home Affairs, Wong Kan Seng, was however not present as he was still hiding in a small corner of his home hoping that no one will notice that the one year anniversay of The Great Escape had recently passed. He, however, sent a written note to the meeting asking if he will lose his job over the Lightning Bolt.

Picture is (C) copyright to Asian Correspondent

On the other hand, Conspiracy Theorists online discussed the uncanny resemblance between the shape of lightning bolt which struck the Merlion and the PAP party's lightning bolt. "Look. Both have the same zig zag shape. How can this be a coincidence? Could it be that our leaders are actually behind the attack on the Merlion?" wondered a Mr Tan aloud before he was knocked out and dragged away by masked ISD forces. His current whereabouts remain unknown.

Another credible rumour on the internet is that the government has hired a top team of geomancers and fengshui masters to correct the disturbance in the fengshui force field caused by the lightning strike to the Merlion.

The Merlion struck was but one of the five Merlions originally placed around Singapore in strategically important positions to ensure the smooth flow of chi around Singapore and to create an atmosphere conducive for earning money. As such, the team of geomancers and fengshui masters will be given pay pegged to the top earners of the public sector to compensate them for their great service to Singapore's economy.

[Click here to read full article]

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