Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Chinese Month of the Hungry Ghost Festival ( 7th Month) part 2

The Hungry Ghost Festival is a traditional festival that is taken quite seriously by Chinese all over the world particularly in Asia. Just like the many myths and superstitions surrounding Halloween, the Hungry Ghost Festival has its fair share of ceremonial rituals. But unlike Halloween, the festival lasts for the entire 7th month of the lunar calendar (30 days).

During this time (typically somewhere between August and September), it is believed that the Gates of Hell are open, freeing ghosts and spirits to roam our world, away from their sufferings in the underworld where they had been banished to. It is believed that these spirits will be hungry for comfort and food, while some may seek out revenge or settlement for unfinished business.

As such, Chinese people usually line up a whole month of activities ranging from offerings of food to entertainment to appease these hungry ghosts. Here are some of the things you might want to look out for on your next trip to Asia

[Click here to read full article]

[The Chinese Month of the Hungry Ghost Festival ( 7th Month) Part 1]

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