Monday, August 2, 2010

Indian Yogi Allegedly Survives Without Food and Water for 70 years

This could be a hoax, a mistake, or bad observation. But if it isn’t, it means that science does not truly understand human beings or our exceptional capacity to remake reality, or perhaps, tap into realities beyond testable comprehension.

From the story:
An 83-year-old Indian holy man who says he has spent seven decades without food or water has astounded a team of military doctors who studied him during a two-week observation period. Prahlad Jani spent a fortnight in a hospital in the western India state of Gujarat under constant surveillance from a team of 30 medics equipped with cameras and closed circuit television. During the period, he neither ate nor drank and did not go to the toilet. “We still do not know how he survives,” neurologist Sudhir Shah told reporters after the end of the experiment. “It is still a mystery what kind of phenomenon this is.”

The doctors’ response, it seems to me, illustrates the shortcomings of the purely scientific approach in these kinds of circumstances:

[Click here to read full article]

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