Sunday, August 1, 2010

Judicial Deity, Er Lang Deity in action !

I was walking when I noticed that a dark figure was hiding in the bushes. Then suddenly, it rushes out of the bushes, shouting:"Help me! Help me!" Then another figure rushed out of the bushes, but this figure is different,

he is protected by a set of silver armor and was holding a spear on his right hand. I knew that he is the Judicial Deity, Er Lang deity because he is known to be a deity with a Third Eye on the forehead.

After a few minutes, I was feeling alright. I continued walking to school and never told anyone about the incident that I had encountered earlier on. I was quiet during lessons and was unable to concentrate. This is the first time I encountered a deity and witnessed how a deity destroys a demon. It was quite an unforgettable incident.

[Click here to read full article]

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