Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Dad Became a Christain after this

My father was caught in a car accident when he was on a business trip. He was paralyzed and couldn't walk or take care of himself in many things. He had become really sick. It has been for a hard time for him and for our family. But the focus is not misery. My father became a Christian after he got injured. He had previously had doubt because in China, most people don't have religion. But my father was changed by a single paranormal experience. He told me that one night, whilst feeling unwell with an infection; he was feeling very bad and not sleeping well. He woke up and saw there are so many people in his room. When they saw that my father had seen them, they didn't say anything but all turned around and lined in a queue towards the window. My father was too afraid to keep his eyes open. But he was sure there were people in his room. He wasn't dreaming because later that night, he couldn't sleep anymore!

The story is simple but changed our mind. That's why my father became a Christian and I started to go to church.

[Click here to read full article]

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