Monday, September 27, 2010

Jurong West Street 75

I understand that amongst my blog readers, lie quite a substantial portion of you who live around my area, which is Jurong West St 75 (Singapore). Being right smack in the middle of two prominent ‘landmarks’ of that area, which is Gek Poh Shopping Ctr as well as Jurong Point, it therefore came as a surprise to me when I found out, after 12 years of living here, that that area (marked with a star) is haunted.

Just two days back, my uncle who was manning his stall at Gek Poh Shopping Ctr at around 5pm, was approached by a couple of gasping teenagers beckoning him frantically to help their friend. The girls, who were in their early teenagers, told him that whilst they were walking and fooling around along that stretch of road, one of their friends (A) suddenly went really quiet and her facial expression had changed.

Apparently, sensing the change in mood, the girls asked A what was wrong with her. After a long silence just standing motionless, A suddenly started to laugh manically in a very non-human like behavior and spouted incorrigible words. When one of the girls wanted to touch A, A tried to strangle the girl.

Since my uncle couldn’t assist the girls, he made them call their parents, who in turn called an exorcist. Apparently, the girl was possessed. Hearing the commotion, a customer of my uncle who was passing by, shared that her husband too has been ‘disturbed’ multiple times when he was in that area.

Being a bus driver, her husband returns home daily at around 2 – 3am in the morning and parks his bus in the huge parking lot (see above picture, right) and rides his bike home. There was a time, he spotted a bus moving and seeking company, he rode close to the bus, only to see that there was no bus driver. At another moment, upon following a bus do a turn, the bus vanished into thin air.

Oh, and let’s not talk about the number of times he saw Fatimah Rockers (Pontianaks, haha) and was actually attacked by a flock of crows. Uhuh, attacked. By crows. At 3am in the morning. Like, what are the chances?

[Click here to read full article]


  1. wow, I lived near that area all my life, but I had never heard of any weird incidents around there.

    Cool post!

  2. There are too many haunted places in Singapore. Some of them are in Neighbourhood areas. Much of which is where you least expected it to be
