Monday, September 27, 2010

Moon Supertitions (part 2)

There are many Superstitions concerning the moon for both the east and west.

Since it is the Moon festival Month, this month in the lunar calendar, let's look into some of them.

Repeat, looking at the new moon the first time you see it,--

New moon, true moon, tell unto, me
Who my true love is to be;
The color of his hair, the clothes he is to wear,
And when he'll be married to me.

On first seeing the new moon, hold any small object in the hand
while you repeat,--

New moon, true moon, reveal to me
Who my true love shall be;
The color of his hair, the clothes he shall wear,
And the day that we shall wedded be.

Put the object--handkerchief, pebble, or what not--under your pillow at
night, and you will dream of your future husband.

[Click here to read full article]

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