Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Very haunted Places of Singapore

1) An Old School in Singapore (name of school is unknown to the author, names anyone?) -This building was constructed in the early 1900s. Many former pupils reported scary noises and passerbys reported strange lights in the building at night. Rumours include a locked toilet due to unremoveable blood stains on the floor. Others heard that “the white lady wept in the toilet every night.” The building was demolished recently.

2) Bedok Block of Flats -When these block of flats at Bedok Reservoir was still standing, it was left empty for years. Rumors included that a whole family had committed suicide in their flat and that a person had been killed by a ghost in a lift/elevator. Passerbys would sometimes see lights flinkering in the supposedly now empty flats.

3)The Cemetary – There are many incidents about a cemetery in Singapore. Some frightened passerby heard someone call from the cemetery, “Please dig the soil. Open the coffin now!” Others reported witnessing ghosts wandering around the cemetery. Foods left on the grave area to honor the departed often have teeth marks as though someone took a bite. Some heard knocking sounds coming from the cemetery. Cats meowed and dogs barked at something or someone in the cemetery. The mystery is still very much unsolved til today.

4) Changi Beach – This area is believed to be haunted by the ghosts of the executed chinese during the Japanese occupation. Passersby often report hearing strange crying and screamings. The heads of the chinese dead bodies are sometimes seen flying everywhere. Headless bodys walk around the beach as well. More scary cases include a passerby witnessing a ghostly execution leaving blood stains.

5) Changi Old Beach Houses – These houses are for rent. Mostly families wanting a break by the sea will rent them. However, a few unluckly ones would return home with a scar. Most people reported a feeling of being stared at. Few unluckly ones were slapped by unknown forces while bathing. Few had heard scary noises at night like the crying of a lady. Witnesses said that the door of the old houses creaked while opening and closing without stopping. Some cases even involved possession of body by a ghost and the sighting of a ghost. The mysteries remained unsolved til today.

6) East Coast Beach – This area is believed to be haunted by wandering ghosts. Stories include a person walking along the beach at night seeing a lady in white floating around. Strange noises were also reported. Many reports indicate that there are many people drowning in the sea. Be careful if you take an enjoyable swim or stroll along the beach at night or the ghosts could disturb you anytime.

7) Kind Ghost – Often, people returning home late at night would unexpectedly see a lady dressed in white who would claim that she was waiting for them. People would rush up the stairs only to find the lady already there. Most of the people would faint. The lady dressed in white would be seen often at Sembawang Road, Mount Faber Road and Choa Chu Kang Road.
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