Monday, February 7, 2011

1,300kg Devil Ray a bad omen for Pulau Ketam?

KLANG - Founded over a hundred year ago, Pulau Ketam seems to have a stroke of bad luck as it witnessed some really bad incidents over the past couple of years, including the sinking of a century-old pontoon, the "dog eats dog" incident and the "cousin kills cousin" family tragedy, among others, casting over the otherwise serene island a shroud of gloom.

When islanders were about to usher in the year 2011, a fisherman accidentally caught a giant "Devil Ray" weighing more than 1300kg and measuring 11 feet long and 18 feet wide on New Year's Eve, causing widespread panic among local residents who thought it could mean a bad omen for the coming year.

That said, majority of Pulau Ketam residents took the incident with open minds despite the fact that some islanders would see the "Devil Ray" as a bad omen. They stressed that it was a mere coincidence and the future of the island remained unpredictable. They also advised other islanders not to get excessively superstitious.

[Click here to read full article]

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