Sunday, February 6, 2011

Korean Master Jannet Shin's Prediction For Chinese New Year

This is one of the busiest times of the year for saju masters as people want to foresee their New Year’s fortune. Some may call it ``To-Jeong bi-gyeol,’’ or the secret reading of To-Jeong, an eccentric scholar and astronomer from the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910). Though not an established historical fact, it is believed that To-Jeong was made to write a book on divination in order to read people’s fortune by the months of the year.

Reading one’s New Year’s fortune through saju is not identical with that of To-Jeong bi-gyeol, however, because the methods and theoretical background of the two are different. Many people ask me why their New Year’s saju is different from the reading of To-Jeong. It is different because saju analyzes the energy connection between the year’s pillar (comprised of stem and branch) and one’s saju (all four pillars of one’s birth).

For example, the year 2011 has a metal stem and wood branch, so we need to watch how this New Year’s energy will affect one’s destiny as defined by saju.

As a saju master, I developed my ability to code and decode one’s birth signs, convert the information into a visual image and sense the energy circulation in the saju. It involves hearing, seeing, picturing, sensing and reasoning the signs produced by saju.

Although it is not a supernatural ability, it often surprises people and they disclose their hidden troubles and hopes to me in search of answers.

Here is the saju of a couple who wanted to know how their relationship in 2011 would compare with last year’s.

The saju of the woman, written on the left, has yang water day master, which is represented by lakes or seas. The saju of a man has yang wood day master, which is represented by a large tree.

Now, if we focus on their compatibility as a couple, we first need to compare their day masters, in this case, it is the relationship between water and wood. According to the five elemental circulation cycle, water generates wood, as when we water plants to grow. It suggests that the woman will be favorable for the man, and will try to help him when he needs her.

In reality, she was the one who gifted him with matching diamond rings for his birthday present, and paid his monthly bills although he also had a stable occupation.

Some letters in their saju are marked with a red arrow ― these are yang metal, yin fire, and yang wood. She has three letters marked while he has one. These represent daring and fierce properties; the more of these that are possessed, the more aggressive the personality.

With three arrows in her saju, the woman shows an aggressive and expressive tendency, with a difficulty of hiding her emotions. On top of that, 2010 also carries the active trait, which causes conflict not only within her saju, but also his.

Upon reading this, I said that they fought a lot in 2010 and even on that day they had visited me, which may end their relationship. She was surprised to hear this: it was usually her to begin the arguments, then end them.

The year 2011 also has a metal and wood combination, but it contains no fierce traits. So if she can maintain the relationship through January, they will become more settled with the start of the year (following the lunar calendar, which starts the New Year on Feb. 3.).

The energy of saju letters are neither separated nor blocked. On the contrary, they interact with one another, so when the energy of a year is added to a person’s saju, it creates multi-dimensional occurrences. It may reduce turbulence in one person’s life, but cause new whirlwind trouble for another.

Consequently, reading one’s destiny by saju is not something that can be done once. Within the larger picture, one’s life responds, reacts and develops according to the constantly changing environment, which means that each new year will bring new trials and triumphs.











[Click here to read full article]

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