Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beer brings horse back from the dead, owner claims

IT sounds like a load of XXXX but beer saved this horse's life after he was struck down with a bout of potentially deadly colic.

Diamond Mojo, a six-year-old Australian waler, had been given up for dead by his owner Steve Clibborn after being struck down with a bout of potentially deadly colic.

So, as desperate men do in desperate times, Steve turned to the bottle not for himself, but for his horse.

"I had pretty much kissed him goodbye," he said.

"I had spent 23 hours straight with him but nothing worked and then I remembered an old bush tale that said you could feed them beer.

"I don't know whether I really believed it or not but it was worth a shot and as soon as he had that beer, he burped and perked right up. So I gave him another couple."

Over the following days, Steve repeated the dose using Queensland's own XXXX lager until his prized endurance horse rediscovered his mojo.

[Click here to read full article]

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