Friday, April 22, 2011

Indian Villagers Worship “Dog God,” Not Palindromes

Dogs are great for many things. They provide companionship, they greet you when you get home after a long day at work, and if you’re in India, they abolish the caste discrimination.

In the A V Halli village, situated in the Ramnagaram district of India, the Karnataka villagers of South India have taken to worshiping “Sri Naayidole Veerappa,” also known as “dog God.” The temple of the dog God is located right next to the temple of “‘Sri Veeramasti Kempamma,” a local village deity, and the villagers believe that the dog serves as the god’s lieutenant.

According to Rajesh, a devotee of Sri Naayidole Veerappa, ‘‘People come here and make wishes. They return to pay respects after their wishes are fulfilled.”

[Click here to read full article]

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