Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Ningen: Myth, Monster or Make Believe?

Master Oregon note: reference to an earlier posting - ‘Ningen’ Humanoid Sea Creatures Of The Antarctic

The ocean’s vast, mysterious depths are full of enigmatic oddities that have never seen the light of day, but while there are few who would deny that the seas are teeming with as yet undiscovered life-forms, most would be reticent to admit that there are any truly gargantuan species waiting to be found in the fathomless deep… Nevertheless, it would seem that the inscrutable Ningen is just such a creature.

The “Ningen” — which translates as “human” in Japanese — was so dubbed by the Pacific fishermen who claimed to have seen the colossal creature in the 1990s. These professional anglers were astounded by the size of this monster and even more shocked by this ostensibly albino beast’s distinctly humanoid form.

Said to be between 60 and 90-feet in length, the Ningen has been described as being a humongous, “blubbery, whale-like creature,” whose smooth, pale form vaguely resembles the head, torso and appendages of a human being.

That having been noted, there are some eyewitnesses who have testified that it has a mermaid-like tail rather than two hind “legs” and others who insist that there are what resemble “hands” complete with five fingers at the ends of its tendril-like arms.

[Click here to read full article]

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