Thursday, September 29, 2011

Marilyn Monroe's Ghost, Other Dead Stars' Ghosts To Be Summoned At Serendipity 3's Celebrity Seance

David Moye

If you had the chance to speak with Marilyn Monroe from beyond the grave, there are probably a lot of questions you'd want to ask, right?

Her stuffing recipe is probably not one of them. but that's the top of the wish list for Robin Byrd, a New York media personality who is best known outside the Big Apple for her role in the infamous porn film "Debbie Does Dallas."

And -- unlike most of us -- she may actually get the chance to ask Monroe the all-important stuffing question.

Byrd is one of the Big Apple bigwigs invited to participate in a celebrity seance being held at Serendipity 3, a popular New York-based ice cream parlor that, over its 57 years in business, has been patronized by famous folk such as Monroe, Clark Gable and Andy Warhol, who used to trade paintings for desserts.

Byrd, as well as Oscar-nominated actress Sylvia Miles, and Warhol's nephew, James Warhola, are among the cognoscenti invited to possibly contact the celeb spooks with the help of Char Margolis, a well-known psychic medium who is best known for revealing Kelly Ripa's pregnancy on live TV before the talk show host could tell her bosses.

But, to be fair, Margolis can't guarantee that Monroe, Warhol or even Cary Grant will show up to the seance.

"It depends on who has something to say -- it might be a former waiter who wants to speak," Margolis admitted to HuffPost Weird News. "Honestly, in the spirit world, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Still, Byrd is hopeful that Margolis will be able to conjure up Marilyn so the actress can reveal the answer to a question that she's been wondering for years.

"No one knows that Marilyn was a good cook," Byrd told HuffPost Weird News. "Although there have been photos printed of her handwritten recipes, they have faded over time. I'd like to find out the exact ingredients in the stuffing."

But Byrd isn't putting her celebrity eggs entirely into Monroe's stuffing. She also hopes to get closure with Warhol, whom she never met.

"We lived in the same neighborhood and there was a bench I liked to sit on over on 67th Street," Byrd said. "One time I walked there and Andy was sitting there. I wanted to say 'Hi,' but he seemed standoffish and I'd like to ask him why."

Again, Margolis makes no promises about who may or may not make an appearance at the celebrity seance, and has asked not to be told in advance which celebrities are most desired by management. She also insists she won't read this article until after the seance is done.

And while it would be great if Monroe appeared to reveal the truth about her death (or, if you're Byrd, that darn stuffing recipe), Margolis says the only spirits who will make an appearance are those with an important message for someone in attendance.

That's actually an improvement over how celebs behave when they're living and only make an appearance when they have something to promote.

But Margolis says that those in attendance have to keep an open mind about the messages being given and not try and force the issue.

"There was one woman who came to me because she was convinced that her husband, an executive at Warner Brothers, was cheating on her," Margolis said. "The message I got didn't have anything to do with that. The message I got was that she should get checked for cancer. Six months later, they found a lump."

Margolis is aware that there are many people who are skeptical that she can talk to dead people.

Although she has for the past 10 years had two popular show in the Netherlands, "Char Het Medium" and "Char," a rival Dutch TV show, "Zembla," claimed in March 2008 that she was a fraud who relies on "cold reading," a technique where the psychic asks leading questions, such as "I see a woman with an 'R' in her name. Do you know a woman with an 'R' in her name?"

It's a technique that has been associated with fellow reputed psychics like James Van Praagh and Margolis's close friend John Edward.

Margolis says she goes into her readings with an open heart, and can't worry about those who doubt her.

"I turn the switch on and connect with peoples' energies," she said. "Here's my feeling about skeptics: If their job is to be skeptical, they don't want someone to actually be psychic, because they won't have anything to be skeptical about."

On the other hand, one of the attendees, Jimmy Floyd, believes there is value in having skeptics at the seance.

"I believe that certain places hold energy and if Char can tap into that energy, I think she needs a mix of skeptics and believers, sort of like a battery needs positive and negative charges," said Floyd, a TV producer and casting director most associated with shows like "Four Weddings," a TLC reality series, and "The A-List," a series on the gay-oriented Logo cable network that is a sort of "Real Housewives"-type show focused on gay and bisexual men.

Floyd, who admits to having a corporate astrologer on retainer along with his lawyer and accountant, is curious to see which dead celebs -- or if any -- might show up at the seance, but unlike Byrd, his question is general enough that it can be answered by anyone in the afterworld.

"I just want to know if they have great sex in the afterlife," he laughed.

[Click here to read full article]

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