Thursday, September 29, 2011

Teenage Japanese Girl Died of Exorcism

Picture is (C) copyright to Mainichi Daily News

NAGASU, Kumamoto -- A girl who drowned after being tied to a chair and doused in water in an "exorcism" plot was subjected to the same treatment multiple times in the past, according to prefectural police.

 According to police, the fatal dousing occurred on the night of Aug. 27 in a church-like building of Kinoshita's religion -- Nakayamashingoshoshu, a type of Buddhism. Police say that water was poured from a height of around 2.5 meters onto Tomomi's face for five to 10 minutes in an activity called "takigyo" (waterfall rite). Both suspects deny the allegations of "violence leading to death," saying, "it was an activity done to exorcise, and was not violence." Atsushi and his wife reportedly sought the advice of Kinoshita in March of this year because Tomomi had an ailment that would not heal. Kinoshita said that the water rite could exorcise her and cure her, and subjected Tomomi to it around 100 times since then.
 [Click here to read full article]

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