Friday, December 23, 2011

The Disturbing Side Effects of UFO Sightings

Often included in UFO reports are suggestions that the craft may have temporarily taken control of the senses and/or impulses of an individual witnessing them. The mysterious objects are often reported as strange, but even stranger is how people often react to them. Are these witnesses being controlled directly by some unknown entity? And what are some of the creepier reports where people were affected in this way?

One of the most bone chilling reports of a UFO encounter came in the form of a MUFON report last year of an event that happened decades before, now a footnote on the year's UFO events and little more in retrospect than a single eyewitness account from Texas. And yet it was the fact that a child, upon seeing several strange creatures outside of his house was beckoned to open the door to let the mystery creatures in the house even though they were a complete mystery to him and even seemed a bit terrifying with their massive black eyes and long thin hands. How is it that these compulsions to cooperate with a paranormal experience happen? Why do people feel compulsions to act the way they do to facilitate these mysterious incidents? And is there a common thread reported that indicates when something strange is taking place?

[Click here to read full article]

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