by Joan Seth
Throughout history, there have been numerous reports and sightings of Extraterrestrial life, dating from ancient prehistoric times to modern ages. But are they real? Are they coming? Or are they already among us?
If so, it would make sense to know about the various species of extraterrestrials first to prepare beforehand, wouldn't it?
1. Little Green Men
Little Green Men is the stereotypical portrayal of extraterrestrials as little humanoid-like creatures with green skin and/or antennae on their heads. The term is also sometimes used to describe gremlins, mythical creatures known for causing problems in airplanes and mechanical devices. They were the most common type of extraterrestrials encountered.
This term came into popular usage in 1955, where two rural Kentucky men described a supposed encounter with 3-4 foot (1 m) tall greenish, somewhat humanoid-looking aliens. Many newspaper articles then used the term little green men in writing up the story.
However, since, they have been replaced by the Grey aliens as the most common type of encounters. Little Green Men have since fallen out of general use in serious science fiction circles and are typically only used by the uninformed or to ridicule the notion that aliens may exist

Little Green Men
[Little Green Men, Alien Abduction]
2. Dropa Alien
According to Chi Pu Tei, professor of archeology at Beijing University, in 1938 he and his students were on an expedition to explore a series of caves in the Bayan Kara Ula range of the Himalayan mountains, near Qinghai region.
The explorers are said to have found many neat rows of tombs with short 138 cm skeletons buried within. The skeletons had abnormally big heads, and small, thin, fragile bodies. A member of the team suggested that these might be the remains of an unknown species of mountain gorilla.
There were no epitaphs at the graves, but instead hundreds of 30 cm wide stone discs - referred to as Dropa Stones. Each stone disk was said to be inscribed with two fine grooves spiraling from the edge to a hole in the disk's center, resembling the Phaistos Disk. The disks were labeled along with other finds of the expedition and stored away at Beijing University for 20 years, during which deciphering attempts were unsuccessful.

[The Dropa Stones... Alien Implanted History]
3. Andromedan Alien
The Andromedans are the name given to what are said to be a group of "ascended" extraterrestrials or "space aliens" from the Andromeda Galaxy (2 million light years away from Earth).
They are traditionally depicted as a lifeform of pure energy - an energy being. Rather than being literally composed of energy in the physical sense, energy beings are typically rendered as being composed of a translucent glowing fluid, somewhat in common with the representations of ghosts.
Andromedans have been described as being "very beautiful," and as well, lithely built and very thin. Contactee testimony also further describes this race as, "so spiritually evolved that they no longer require a physical body. They are almost beings of light energy. They are illuminated in light. They are very tall and stand eight to ten feet in height. In mythology, they were referred to as the Winged gods."
It is also said in some literary circles that Andromedans are peaceful and have been helping out Earth's inhabitants for many generations.

Energy Being
[Andromedan contactee Alex Collier and the Reptilians]
4.Hairy Dwarf
Hairy dwarfs are a variety of hairy humanoid that is shorter than the average human. Unlike the more normal types of hairy humanoid such as Bigfoot, hairy dwarfs are technologically adept. In reported sightings, hairy dwarfs often wear clothing, use tools, and can even speak.
In fact, they are often associated with UFOs. In the early days of the UFO craze, witnesses often reported that the aliens were hairy dwarfs instead of the classic "grays" that seem to be most popular today. In time, hairy dwarf reports became much less common. Hairy dwarfs are hardly ever reported today.
Because of their association with UFOs and high technology, hairy dwarfs are generally kept separate from another miniature Bigfoot-type creature, the proto-pygmy, a creature that has behaviors more typical of a mystery primate or primitive human. Sometimes hairy dwarfs are linked with reports of larger hairy humanoids that are either reported as occupying UFOs or are seen in the same areas as UFOs and only when a current UFO scare is underway. Some of these larger hairy humanoids are quite bizarre, including even such things as werewolves.
Hairy dwarfs are rarely investigated by researchers working in the field of cryptozoology. They sound pretty silly, for one thing. Also, they seem to be part of a different field of rogue science, ufology. Most cryptozoologists would rather let the ufologists take care of hairy dwarfs.

Hairy Dwarf
[Account of a Hairy Dwarf sighting]
5. Hopkinsville goblin
The Hopkinsville goblin was described by witnesses in 1955 in Hopkinsville, Kentucky as creatures which looked similar to Gremlins or Goblins. They were said to be around 3 feet tall, with upright ears and thin limbs with claws. They were silver in color (or wearing a metallic costume) and they were able to "walk as if they were floating above ground"
These witnesses claimed to have shot at these creatures with firearms, with no effect. The local law enforcement arrived to investigate and found no signs of the creatures, but extensive damage to the houses' surroundings and grounds. All the witnesses (around a dozen of them) stuck to the same story even many years later.
Many experts who conducted investigations believe that an incident really did occur in Hopkinsville, and no sign of a hoax was ever proven. These events were regarded seriously by the US government (as the witnesses included policemen and state troopers. The US Air Force even conducted its own investigations.The Hopkinsville Goblins Case remains one of the most well-known and well-documented cases in the history of UFO incidents, and a favorite for study in ufology.

Hopkinsville goblin
[The Kelly-Hopkinsville 'Goblins' Encounter]
6. Flatwoods monster
The more common description of the Flatwoods monster depicts it as at least 10 feet tall with a glowing red face and green body. The head is shaped like a "heart or Ace of Spades" and the body was clad in something looking like a skirt. Some accounts record that the creature had no visible arms, while others describe it as having short, stubby arms; ending in long, claw-like fingers, which protruded from the front of its body.
The first sighting occurred in Flatwoods, West Virginia in 1952. A group of kids witnessed a bright object in the sky. They went back to get the mother of one of the kids and together with other local children (including a National Guardsman), they set out to investigate.
When they arrived at the location (a hill), they reported seeing a large pulsating "ball of fire" and underneath a tree, the Flatwoods monster. It hissed and charged at them, and the group fled in panic. Later on, some of the witnesses became stricken with sickness.
The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) investigated this case 48 years later, and concluded that the likely source for the object spotted in the sky was a meteor. Furthermore, based on descriptions of the creature, it was likely to have been a barn owl, which face shape closely resembles that of the creature.

Flatwoods monster
7. Reptilians
Alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures. One of the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who bore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests.
So what are these creatures? The general description is that they are humanoid aliens who have a reptilian appearance, similar to a lizard or snake. Writer David Icke alleges that these aliens are from the Alpha Draconis star system, hiding in underground bases in Hollow Earth. He also claims that the reptilians are plotting to take over the world through manipulation and generation of fear and negative emotion. However, not many people take his theories seriously.

8. Sirians
The Dogon tribe resides in Mali, West Africa. They have been researched and visited extensively by experts. The general consensus is that the Dogon people somehow acquired and possess extensive knowledge of astronomy and technology. It was said in 1946, that they knew about Sirius B, the companion binary star to Sirius A (the brightest star in the observable sky) and its orbital period. However, Sirius B was a white dwarf, invisible to the naked eye and the Dogon simply did not have the technology to observe it. These people were also said to know about rings of Saturn and moons of Jupiter.
Bear in mind the Dogon were a primitive tribe of hunters and gatherers, so how did they know? It was said that the ancestors of the Dogon people were visited by aliens from Sirius. These aliens passed on their knowledge to the humans. These knowledge was then passed down from generation to generation.
However, skeptics have concurred that the Dogon probably acquired the astronomical knowledge from modern sources and incorporated them into their folklore and legends. It was entirely possible that modern day French explorers had visited them and told them of the knowledge, maybe around the year 1893.

[The Dogon and the Sirius Mystery ]
9. Nordic Aliens
This is an interesting depiction of extraterrestrials. In this case, the aliens are said to behave and look entirely similar to humans and are extremely good looking. They closely resemble Nordic Scandinavians with white pale skin, blue eyes, blond hair and around 6 to 8 feet tall.
One example of an encounters was from George Adamski. He was one of the first contactees to report a description of a blonde-haired UFO occupant. On 20th November 1952, he reportedly met and spoke with a being from Venus called Orthon, after seeing a UFO in Arizona.
Adamski said Orthon communicated with him via telepathy and through hand signals and warned him of the dangers of nuclear war and to have arranged for Adamski to be taken on a trip to see the solar system including the planet Venus.
This was the traditional cultural depiction of these aliens. They were peaceful, serene and often spread messages of peace and condemning violence. They warned of the dangers of what eventually might happen to Earth if humans continued their atomic weapons research and war-faring ways. Encounters or "abductions" by them usually resulted in a peaceful meeting and communication, rather than the witnesses being subject to painful experiments.
There is also a theory that these aliens are the actual depiction of the hypothetical Aryan race of people, a race of people with superior attributes and genes (unfortunately pursued to extreme ends by the Nazis during World War II).

Nordic Aliens
[Nordic Aliens]
10. Greys
The Greys are the most common subject of all UFO, Extraterrestrial, Alien Abduction theories and events. They are a popular sight in the mass media too, appearing in movies, TV shows and video games. In fact, Grey Aliens are now often described as the true species of extraterrestrials. They have sinister motivations (either to colonize Earth or create Alien/Human hybrids to repopulate their world. Greys are also said to have abducted the most number of humans.
They are humanoid in appearance, with big bald heads, small bodies and limbs. They are commonly not clothed and barefoot. The distinguishing aspect of their appearance is their big dark opaque eyes (with no irises) and dark grey skin, with no visible ears, nostrils or hair.
In 1947, Roswell, New Mexico, several witnesses claimed to have seen a crash involving a flying saucer and that several dead bodies which appeared to be Grey Aliens were taken by the US Military. These individuals claimed that the corpses had over-sized heads and slanted eyes.
In 1961, a couple, Betty and Barney Hill were supposedly abducted by Greys and taken to their UFO. Aboard the ship, Betty Hill was given a tour by the aliens (who communicated telepathically) and was shown a star chart which was said to be the home world of the Greys. Later on, Marjorie Fish, a amateur astronomer, realized that the star chart drawn by Betty Hill was in fact, the Zeta Reticuli star system. Since then, Greys are also sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans.
In 1995, Ray Santilli claim to have possession of a film which depicted the autospy of a Grey alien which was recovered from the 1947 UFO crash site of Roswell. Subsequently, he failed to produce any evidence of the original film, claiming the original was worn beyond recovery and what he had was a reconstruction of the original. Skeptics have quickly dismissed his video as a hoax, pointing out many inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the video.
In one of the best depictions of their dark and sinister nature was in the TV series, The X Files. The main plot of the series was to prove the existence of these Grey Aliens and their plot to colonize and take over Earth in 2012. Greys also appear in Stargate SG-1 in the form of the Asgard, a highly advanced ally of the Stargate Command (SGC). In the TV series Babylon 5, aliens similar to the Greys are known as the Vree, the Streibs and the Zener.
Another aspect of their dark nature is their attempt to create a Grey/Human hybrid. It is said that their home planet has been ravaged and their species are dying out; thus their search across the Universe to find suitable subjects to create a new species to repopulate their own.
In fact, their sinister intentions have also been reported by abductees who were taken by other types of aliens (e.g. the Nordic Aliens). In these encounters, the peaceful aliens warn the abductees about the Greys and their violent nature. Greys have also been linked to New World Order conspiracy theories and End of the World scenarios.
Are they already among us? Or are they still visiting us? We may never know the truth.

Grey Alien
[Grey Aliens and encounters]
Bonus: Tall Whites

Tall Whites
[Charles Hall and the Tall White ETs]
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ReplyDeleteI hope to meet some Nordics one day. And I 'd love to get some telekinetic abilities.
Some say Nordics are actually hybrid aliens.
Deletei did when i was about 13yrs,three times,twice on
Deletethe rainbow,and once on the space ship.And what i
say is true.
...Says the person who spell OR use proper grammar.
Deleteyeah! so would I :)
ReplyDelete:D :D
ReplyDeletethis makes sense after I snort crack
ReplyDeleteNordic's are truly amazing I have very much love for their race.
ReplyDeletei hope the both of you do, you will never feel anything quite like it. the love and vibes they give you is just incredible. their are my role models i look up to. i also hope to counter other lovely alien races in my life time to.
The Greys are sort of creepy. Today i heard from my teacher at shcool that they also take human baies freshly born up to their planet and raise them as their own. Very creepy and really messed up.
ReplyDeleteOne Question: How do you get the attention of these aliens and get abducted not that i am intrested??? I am just looking out for people so this dosen't happen to them.
Ya.They are very creepy. I used to hate to go in my basement because of grays.After watching sightings with Tim White. I hate them they should be destroyed and we can plunder their technology.
DeleteThere are so many types of aliens but one day if i could meet a Nordic alien that would be awesome. They are so cool. They might even have a Nordic Women for me. I am 28.
ReplyDeletethat nasty
Deletei don't know why people believe in aliens that stupid there only real if i see them and that's that.
DeleteI am a Nordic alien i come from a another gallexsy i only visit the woods
Deleteshut up you aint real
DeleteIm telling the truth i am an Nordic alien are technological is very advants we are only coming to earth an a another two years and watch what you say ray mondo because you will pay later
DeleteDid you really think he was claiming to be an ACTUAL alien and get people to believe him? Don't you think he would have actually attempted to pay attention to the most obvious of details?
Delete1. Threatening to come to Earth and make you pay? Aren't Nordic aliens supposedly peaceful, serene and spread messages of peace and condemnation of violence.
2. One would assume that an alien who is *TECHNOLOGICALLY *ADVANCED enough to be able to travel to Earth from another *GALAXY would certainly have managed to attempt spelling and grammar.
3. Why would a Nordic alien come from ANOTHER galaxy in the first place? Nordic aliens are (supposedly) from the Pleiades, one of the closest open star clusters to Earth, about 400 hundred light years away, far within the boundaries of the Milky Way.
Of COURSE no one believes he is really an alien. This is an article about aliens and you are commenting on the posts of believers saying that people who believe in aliens are stupid (as well as plenty of other annoying troll like behavior). You were just BEGGING for someone to troll you back. "Any one who believes this guy is stupid". (as if anyone but you was in danger of being made to look stupid) Well, you may not believe in aliens, but you did believe you weren't being patronized. :P
DeleteFYI- It's stupid NOT to believe in aliens. If you don't, you clearly are not very well educated on the subject.
Now as far as the authenticity/existence of these "races" as they are described, highly unlikely. But most are built up and embellished over time using little bits here and there of credible witness sightings (which do HAPPEN frequently, but that's not to say that sometimes looney people don't make things up, like the history and home planet of Nordic aliens). "Nordic Aliens" for example; telepathic, capable of traveling light-years into space, incredibly culturally and socially evolved. Supposedly they are from the Earth-like planet Erra, whose Sun is supposed to be the star Taygeta, one of the 7 brightest stars (or the '7 sisters') in the Pleiades cluster (aka Messier 45, M45). Well, it turns out that the star Taygeta has no planet in it's orbit. Erra doesn't exist (big shock). In fact, there is no sign of any planet orbiting any of the 1,000 stars in M45, which may seem like bad news when you're hoping for encouraging evidence of the possibility of alien life (1,000 stars and not one planet?) Although actually, it's quite the opposite. First, all of the stars in the M45 cluster formed together only 100,000,000 years ago (the typical time frame for star formation) and 6 yrs ago in 2007 astronomers found evidence of rocky and terrestrial planets (earth-like planets capable of sustaining life) forming in M45 in two stages, the first taking from 100,000-300,000 years and the second taking anywhere from 100,000,000 years on. Obviously the formation of planets in the Pleiades is not going to solve the alien mystery in our life time, but it really puts thing into perspective to understand how endless the possibilities are and how mind blowing the probability is. Think about it this way, the universe is 13.77 billion years old. Our sun and earth are 4.5 billion years old. That means the Earth began to form 9.27 billion years after the big bang and the beginning of the universe, the first generation of Milky Way stars forming 13 billion years ago, wave two forming 11.5 billion years ago and wave three forming 10 billion years ago t account for over 400 billion stars... in THIS galaxy ALONE. 4.5 billion years ago began the evolution of the primordial planet Earth. 4.5 billion years of evolution and it was only a measly 150,000 years ago that our neanderthal ancestors had given way to the Homo Sapiens. Of that 150,000 years it has only been the last 5,000 civilized years that we have had access to agriculture. And only for the last 300 years have we had the ability to develop and pursue electronic technology which has advanced pushed our society forward more in those years than the rest of our existence.
Now think about where we are now after only 3 centuries of access to electronic technology 4.5 billion years after the earth was formed. Even if the earliest stars/planets in the universe had taken 6 billion years to develop life after the planet was formed after the big bang, any intelligent life still would have have had a 3.17 billion year head start/advantage on intelligence technologically. And with 17 billion Earth-sized terrestrial planets estimated to reside in the Milky Way Galaxy ALONE, I have no problem rationalizing how a being from a much older planet could travel across light years with insane gravity defying crafts and hover around checking us out. If we had the next 2 billion years
My friend told me, "there are Nordic aliens in Switzerland", is that true.?? He said they warn this guy named Bill or visit over there. Just Curious.
ReplyDeleteYou said just curious I say your just noisy.
Deletejust curios i think your just noisy.
DeleteHave you ever thought that the Nirdic aliens are us from the distant future? Think about it, 200 years ago, the average hight of a human was only 5' 3". Now, the avaerage hight is 5' 8"! Only 200 years ago, we were still using large sail boats to travel. Now, we use powerd boats that can transport a whole city of people and travels 3 tmes faster. We have gone to the moon, seen distant galaxies light years away up close, and not to mention that we can fly over 5 times the speed of sound. If that is only 200 years, think in 1,000... no, 10,000 years what would we be ale to acomplish? We can already locate anyone in the world with only a slight description and name, 10,000 years, we might be able to talk to eachother without talking, move a glass without touching it, traven through time... idk, thats just me thinking a little ^.^
ReplyDeleteslow down on chips man there is plenty of more in the world.
Deletei love chips i like them more in the shower when they get wet then i rub them in my chest an wherever else, I have monkey toes.
Delete^ Ops, i mean Nordic!!! ^
ReplyDeleteops, i mean Nordic!!! sexy toes
DeleteEither your typing is horrendous or you can't spell even the most common words properly.
ReplyDeleteYou are 28?
I was a better speller at 8 y/o.
Your comments lose creditability in your lack of intelligence
yo you dont now how to spell ether
DeleteI'm surprised so many people are so interested in the Nordic Aliens, and not the Andromedan Aliens.
ReplyDeletereptillens are better than Nordic alians
DeleteMy toes are harry as hell
Deletemy mom says not to eat burgers on a sunday
ReplyDeletewhy cant you eat burgers on a Sunday
ReplyDeletebecause I said So!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei have stinky toes that will knock you out
ReplyDeleteI put yogurt in my toes ever night
ReplyDeleteMy favirite superhero is batman because he has big toes that will make me drole all over my bed and I like to put my bed in the shower becase I like it when my bed sheets and my pillows get all soogey
ReplyDeleteIm sexsy and I know it
ReplyDeleteI think your unsexy and you dont know it.
ReplyDeleteI love u tommy and your sexy
ReplyDeletethank u paloma A
ReplyDeleteyour welcome tommy
ReplyDeletehey tommy u want to get married
ReplyDeletehow many kids will we have
ReplyDeleteabout six kids
ReplyDeleteU have to have *** to have children
ReplyDeleteNo we dont
ReplyDeletehi my name is kelly and im only 21 years old and im a blond women and im a modle if you want me call 705-332 and im in good shape im looking for a boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteoooooooooooooooooh tommy like
ReplyDeletecome on i have nice legs
ReplyDeleteshut paloma your fat as hell I make a good shape women
ReplyDeletecan I date you too kelly
ReplyDeletesure jim
ReplyDeleteyou do not make sents
ReplyDeletethats right im not supto make sents
ReplyDeleteyour hot oscar
ReplyDeleteshut up paloma A im not interested in u im interested in kelly
ReplyDeletewhat is so good about kelly
ReplyDeleteshe is a blond woman and she is in good shape
ReplyDeleteback off oscar kelly is mine
ReplyDeletewait I thought u were with me?
ReplyDeletekelly is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteguys stop fighting over me
ReplyDeleteI WANT KELLY TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteshut up guys this is not a love website
ReplyDeleteIM A LIVE no body can see me because i live in other couny
ReplyDeletecan I bite your toes jim
ReplyDeletekiss me im Irish.
ReplyDeletea lot of boolshyt to distract us. a lot of brainless krap. agents. the truth is coming out whether you like it or not.
ReplyDeletethere are top psychologists connecting straight into our minds through the media, conditioning us so wrongly since childbirth. this isnt something im just making up, you can all see it for yourself. its made to distort us. to make us feel different, insecure, loathesome. its a bunch of shyt just like this shyt.
(its not hard to see through the LIES and the TRUTH)
mindfuckers, youre all doomed.
lol after reading reading almost all the comments I start to think I'm the only 1 that knows the most info. First of all a complex brain can do psychokinesis(telepathy/telekinesis/pyrokinesis/levitation/AP) and yes we humans posses a complex brain, look at the monks, they are highly advanced humans and are all highly peacefull. we people can do all those things 2, but we just don't know how to do it, it requires alot of meditation to master those techniques and I'm not talking about 1 year meditation I'm talking about every single day meditation for alot of years different from each person. 2nd not all grey aliens are evil and heartless, like humans there are good and bad 1, so don't say I wish they would all die blabla, not all humans are good eather so. and btw greys helping humans 2 by lasering messages on corn fields (Crop Circles). 3rd its a good chanse that nordic aliens are like us but highly evolved living on a type 1/2 civilization economy, and yes they are highly peacefull 2 I think every single 1 of them are peacefull. 4th people who think that if someone hase a hard time spelling words the right way is dumb and lagging in intelligents is an dumb brainless moron himshelf. some people just have alot of problems spelling words the right way -.- just like some that have problems with math or other type of stuff, not everyone is equally good at everything. and when people will read this they will see that I'm 1 of those guys that sucks at spelling words completely, I'm good with math but I suck balls with spelling, doesent matter if its dutch or english I spell words wrong alot of times in both languages. Thats all I have to say.
ReplyDeleteYour peaceful :)
Deletewho you think you is energy being, you mess with my homies you mess with me,women dont like you because you have no dick peace out nobody loves you
ReplyDeletewe hate people like you there rude and unatractive like you energy being go get a girlfriend and if you do she is fat,gross and a gold digger.
ReplyDeleteand when I said All that True stuff I was Talking to energy being
ReplyDeletewe don't Like you at all energy being. Go some where else
ReplyDeletegive me money and i will be your friend.
ReplyDeleteI like eating chips in the shower and MY TV IS IN MY SHOWER TOO i watch sex in the city I ALSO LIKE PLAYING PANIO IN THE SHOWER it makes me feel good I married my pet fish and we had 5 and a half kids.
ReplyDeleteIsai I wish I lived by pizza hunt
ReplyDeleteIm from the star system bentley we are 7ft tall race of black aliens,we be at war with the nordics and the tall whites.Al Sharpton is or contact on earth..beware whitey we be coming for you.
ReplyDeleteAnd plus there is no black alions if there were they dont know how to defind themselves and there wothless the tall whites are the best thats a fact.
ReplyDeleteNow I have to worry about black aliens from outter space carjacking me and stealing my t.v. set.
ReplyDeleteYes the black alians might steal your Tv set or even mug you, when there all together they treat there city ugly and dirty and there also races too, they came from anther galaxy, do not even touch them, they dont even talk right, they dont make sense.
ReplyDeletegoo goo gu gu me no no enthing wight
ReplyDeleteEVEYBODY STOP BEING RACEC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteheyyyyyyy remember me kelly on this alian websight the hot model ow yeah make a comment if you think I'm hot or cute remember only these two words to discrib me byeeeeeeee!
ReplyDeleteNigliens unite!!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a showdown
ReplyDeleteRase your hand if you ever watch grasshoper porn
ReplyDeleteWe call them moon crickets.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know this how?
ReplyDeleterelax you two this is not serious, you two are just playing right?
ReplyDeletekelly tell me about your self
ReplyDeletethank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu FINnely someone tells me
ReplyDeleteyo dog slow down man we hate white dudes dog get uway from my girl kelly
ReplyDeleteim not yours martin!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIts matin !! You cant spell or read.
DeleteI Just did your dad Last night Anoymous and I think he liked it and if he died I just did him in the grave woo woooo that felt good!!! woo uuuuuuuu
ReplyDeleteI heard about white nordics but are mexican nordics true
ReplyDeleteYes they make great space tacos.
DeleteWhat did I get?I didnt sleep with you so AIDS is out of the question.
ReplyDeleteIM tired of you saying cunt already Anonymous say a other word punk ass your a slut you smell like shit your GAY saying you like nordicks and YOU said you have love for their race thats soooooooooo GAY you need to see somebudy Right NOW!! YOU a sick 28 years OLD mail you rather make Love nordick alian than a real woman wow thats sick woooooo woooooo and I mean it
ReplyDeleteall that makes me wanna laghf OUT loud LOL!
ReplyDeleteIM with kelly on this one
ReplyDeleteYEAH MAN
ReplyDeleteAnonymous how do you look just curies
ReplyDeletecan you tell me about yourself Anonymous Its just me wandering sort of
ReplyDeleteand tell me about your self Anonymous and do you have a wife
ReplyDeleteIm sooo confused do black people come from Africa or outer space, and why do white humens date them.
ReplyDeleteyou hurt my feelings people like diffrent stuff I like banana in the but and leave me alon if you dont I come in your house and put a old nasty joice big banana in your but.
ReplyDeleteIm sexy and i know it I have the most sexist toes ever.
ReplyDeleteme me mee like it
ReplyDeleteFinally spelled something right.
ReplyDeleteI know right?
ReplyDeleteWhat up dog its tvo
ReplyDeleteAsk me anything you want to know I tell anything.
ReplyDeleteyea yeah
ReplyDeleteshut up jim we all hate you!
ReplyDeleteWow this is a crazy alien websight
ReplyDeleteI could say the reptilleins are pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteIm looking for answers?
ReplyDeleteHO HO HO Bitches
ReplyDeleteI telled you not to swear in front of the kids remember know shut you ass up.
ReplyDeleteYeahhh its good to be emo anyways I don't think aliens are real.
ReplyDeleteWtf!!!? there is a Emo chick on this alien websight....
ReplyDeleteRidiculous story theгe. What occurred аfter?
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Dumb asses dont know how to spell >.<
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you dont even know how to spell too anna
ReplyDeletewhat kind name is anna anyway
ReplyDeletethe name anna sounds like a dog ate a chicken
ReplyDeletesounds like somebody's trash talking
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!!!!! WTF
ReplyDeleteI thought this was an alien website
ReplyDeleteDoes Anybody Know where the bathroom
ReplyDeleteits Right too the left
ReplyDeletebaby baby baby nooooo I thought you always be mine mine yeah yeahhh yeah
ReplyDeleteWhy the heck is justin beiber here
ReplyDeleteOMG Jake just Texted Me
ReplyDeleteohhhh Thats soooooo cute
ReplyDeleteI know right
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
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why are fighting guys
ReplyDeleteUFO's are real, I saw the craziest shit when I was driving home from work with my boy friend 2 nights ago. We ended up circling the same 5 miles of back roads for three hours in the middle of no where... The CRAZIEST shit. I got video and reported it to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and everything. That's why I'm here, actually. But seriously... details characteristics describing multiple/unique "races"?
ReplyDeleteSeems like every one of these stories someone just made up off the top of their head. Except the Greys... D:
OMG!! you saw an Alien
ReplyDeleteI vote for you in this fight anna
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ReplyDeletemy boobs are jiggiling
ReplyDeleteHeyyyyy!!! this is karen and briana!! were like total BFF'S we always have to be together.I can't Live without briana.Ohhh thats so sweet Karen.
ReplyDeleteI remember Karen went to summer camp and I was crieing for the whole summer because i wasent with her.without Karen My life is ruined.when we go out with guys we always go on a group date because we want to be by each other all the time a lot of guys like us because were super hot you should see a picture of me and Karen you'l fall in love with us.
ReplyDeletea lot of guys ask how old are me and Briana we are 21.OMG!! Karen tell them were we met. Okay so me and briana met in preschool briana was so shy and then we met and started taking to each other and briana wasent that shy no more then we became best friends
ReplyDeletesomeone slap My Ass Im feeling horny
ReplyDeleteI dont know why people putting crazy coments on this websight its suposed to be about aliens.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you it's probably people with no life.
ReplyDeleteI love my girlfriend melina she so cute
ReplyDeleteAWWW!!! thats so sweet Eric I love you!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one melina your so beautiful your my true love And i hope you will be my wife someday melina
ReplyDeleteMe too Eric I totally feel the same way for you I really like you Eric I want to get married someday
ReplyDeletethats so mean linda get a life linda
ReplyDeleteI want cookies !!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! Jake looks at me at class but he looks at other girls too so I don't know if he's interested in me or not
ReplyDeleteyou shouldn't go out with him
ReplyDeleteBecause he looks at other girls too
ReplyDeleteI feel so terrible now because this other guy named Daniel asked me out and I really liked him but I chose jake over him I Should've picked Daniel
ReplyDeleteyou should call Daniel and ask Daniel out
ReplyDeleteIM PREGNET OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT to do
ReplyDeletegive me money and I will come to your house and give you a lap dance
ReplyDeletehow old are you
ReplyDeletemy number is 233-556 call me but make sure your parents are not in the house when im giving you a lap dance
ReplyDeleteokay but can I touch your body?
ReplyDeleteyes but you have to pay extra
ReplyDeleteokay I will pay extra
ReplyDeleteI*M gonna be a father mrs kariotts the mom
ReplyDeleteyeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. pero
ReplyDeleteI remember one time i was dancing on the striper pole and this guy walked in he was super hot all the stripers in club wanted to give the guy a lap dance but he picked me over them and i got to give him a lap dance it was sooooo hot!!!!!!! and i fucked him later in the night It felt Good!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletealot of people want to know about me im 23 i live in los angeles cailifornia im a latina i gotta nice ass and nice boobs im used to guys looking at me i know im hot
ReplyDeleteAre aliens using are DNA and heredity for experiments and breeding? And also do aliens want physical human features too; because there ugly if this is true, im going to get mad
you believe these bullshit?
I didn't expect these crazy comments on this website. Its funny how some people don't know how to spell.
ReplyDeleteHey do you guys know what's on the one doller menu at MacDonald's cause I'm here I don't know I just need need someone to me. Like how much does it cost in that menu.
ReplyDeleteMan me want some tacooos con some hotsauce yo soy sexy mucho hombres estan obsesionados conmigo.Quiero deliciosa pizza en mis pies sucios sudorosas me gusta me me gusts me gustaa hi me come back later
ReplyDeleteI just boughta lambo yesterday it's awsome. Nice alein websight. Stay in school kids so you can afford anything.
ReplyDeleteOops spelt website wrong thats what happens when your so rich you forget everything else except the fact you got lambos and Bugatti's parked in your mansion sized garage with highly expensive cars oh yeah gotta got a hot blond babe waiting to go to an upscale restaurant with me right now see you peasants lata!
ReplyDeleteI love you la chicana Carla fat I love you!!!!!