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Best regards, on behalf of team AsiaParanormal
Master Orthodox Occultist Oregon Chang, The 17th generation Disciple
of Seven Stars Sword Master Hebei China
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
When will the world really end?
Billions of years from now, life on Earth will be extinguished when the dying sun scorches the surface of our planet. New research has aimed to determine what the last life forms on Earth will be, and what kind of abodes they will cling to before the Earth becomes sterilized.
We are fortunate that our planet orbits a star that has a long main-sequence lifetime. However, the sun’s luminosity is gradually increasing, and in about one billion years the effects of this will start to be felt on Earth.
Surface temperatures will start to creep relentlessly upwards over the next few billion years, which will increase the amount of water vapor in the air. This will act to further increase temperatures and will thus signify the beginning of the end for life on Earth.
The rising temperatures will cause excessive amounts of rain and wind, and thus increase the weathering of silicate rocks, which will suck extra carbon from the atmosphere.
Ordinarily, the carbon is replaced via plate tectonics in the carbon-silicate cycle as it is released in volcanic gases. However, the oceans will start to evaporate as the temperatures continue to rise, which will probably put a stop to plate tectonics as scientists believe that water is an essential lubricant for the motion of tectonic plates on Earth. This will deplete the number of active volcanoes, and the carbon will not be replenished in the atmosphere.
The lack of carbon dioxide will effectively choke plant life on Earth, since plants require atmospheric CO2 for their respiration. The death of oxygen-producing plants will in turn lead to less oxygen in the atmosphere over a few million years. This will spell disaster for the remaining animal life on Earth, with mammals and birds being the first to become extinct. Fish, amphibians and reptiles would survive a little longer, as they need less oxygen and have a greater tolerance to heat.
The last type of animal present on the far-future Earth would likely be invertebrates. Once the insects finally succumb to the increasing temperatures, the Earth will once again be solely populated by microbial life, just as it had been for the first few billion years of our planet’s history. The last lingering life will desperately seek out niches of the planet that are still habitable, but even extremophile forms of life will find this to be a challenge.
[Click here to read full article]
Thursday, December 27, 2012
‘Giant serpent’ invades island near Phuket

PHUKET: Mysterious giant tracks appeared overnight on Friday (December 14) on Koh Mai Pai (Bamboo Island, just north of Phi Phi), emerging from the forest, going through the local school and then into the sea, leaving students, parents and teachers worrying that they were made by some enormous serpent.
The tracks consisted of a long line of pairs of circles, each circle 20 centimetres in diameter. Local experts estimated that the serpent that made the tracks must be at least 15 metres long.
Pannee Atwaree, a teacher at the school, said that the islanders’ fear was ratcheted up by theories that the appearance of the tracks might be an omen of the great disaster some have been predicting for next Friday (December 21) when the Mayan calendar – and possibiy the world – comes to an end.
[Click here to read full article]
File Under:
Doomsday Prophecies,
Paranormal News,
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Paranormal Christmas Ghost
It began as a relaxing if curious holiday vacation at a bed and breakfast with a reputation for being haunted. What Kathy Moll encountered there that Christmas season, however, would stay with her forever.
We are all very familiar with the ghosts of Christmas that Charles Dickens introduced to us in his classic story, "A Christmas Carol." In the Dickens story, only Marley's ghost and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come were foreboding, frightening spirits - ghosts of the type that Kathy Moll experienced during the 1999 Christmas season. Kathy and her sister Nanci and Nanci's husband Darryl were enjoying a pre-Christmas holiday at The Lauren Danielle bed and breakfast in Guthrie, Oklahoma when she encountered her own Ghost of Christmas Present. This is her true story...
I sensed something about the house when I first entered. The Lauren Danielle is a beautiful Victorian home with a colorful history. Built in 1890, the house was the home of Territorial Governor Renfro, Charles West, first State Attorney General, and later Chris Madsen, US Marshall, who used the basement as a jail (in fact, the iron bars are still intact on the windows). Listed in the National Register of Historic Homes, the wonderfully restored house is today a popular bed and breakfast in central Oklahoma, just north of Oklahoma City. On this occasion, innkeepers Cliff and Debi Judd had lavishly but tastefully decorated the home for Christmas.
But I was sensing more than the holiday spirit at The Lauren Danielle. Bear in mind that I already knew that there was a spirit cat in the house, due to the newspaper article my sister Nanci shared with me before our arriving. Debi Judd showed us around the home, beautifully appointed in period antiques. She let us take our pick of rooms. When I was offered the room downstairs near the stairs, I went to look at it. I could not even enter the room, however - the vibrations were very strong and territorial. I just stood at the door and looked in. Anyone else who did not have sensitivity to these types of vibrations would have seen a lovely room done up in golds and browns. I knew I did not want to be in there by myself. In fact, the only room I felt somewhat okay about was the room my sister eventually chose. So I took the adjoining room, which was pretty, but had a very heavy feeling to it.
[Click here to read full article]
We are all very familiar with the ghosts of Christmas that Charles Dickens introduced to us in his classic story, "A Christmas Carol." In the Dickens story, only Marley's ghost and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come were foreboding, frightening spirits - ghosts of the type that Kathy Moll experienced during the 1999 Christmas season. Kathy and her sister Nanci and Nanci's husband Darryl were enjoying a pre-Christmas holiday at The Lauren Danielle bed and breakfast in Guthrie, Oklahoma when she encountered her own Ghost of Christmas Present. This is her true story...
I sensed something about the house when I first entered. The Lauren Danielle is a beautiful Victorian home with a colorful history. Built in 1890, the house was the home of Territorial Governor Renfro, Charles West, first State Attorney General, and later Chris Madsen, US Marshall, who used the basement as a jail (in fact, the iron bars are still intact on the windows). Listed in the National Register of Historic Homes, the wonderfully restored house is today a popular bed and breakfast in central Oklahoma, just north of Oklahoma City. On this occasion, innkeepers Cliff and Debi Judd had lavishly but tastefully decorated the home for Christmas.
But I was sensing more than the holiday spirit at The Lauren Danielle. Bear in mind that I already knew that there was a spirit cat in the house, due to the newspaper article my sister Nanci shared with me before our arriving. Debi Judd showed us around the home, beautifully appointed in period antiques. She let us take our pick of rooms. When I was offered the room downstairs near the stairs, I went to look at it. I could not even enter the room, however - the vibrations were very strong and territorial. I just stood at the door and looked in. Anyone else who did not have sensitivity to these types of vibrations would have seen a lovely room done up in golds and browns. I knew I did not want to be in there by myself. In fact, the only room I felt somewhat okay about was the room my sister eventually chose. So I took the adjoining room, which was pretty, but had a very heavy feeling to it.
[Click here to read full article]
File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Outside Asia,
Paranormal Articles,
Paranormal Stories
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Tampines Potianak account by biker
True or Fake you decide
( a story by author who do not want to be disclosed)
It was a usual night out, I was with my girlfriend & when she out of a sudden complained that she is not feeling well . Being the gentleman I send her home.
She was staying in Tampines and I therefore had the choice of either using the TPE (Tampines Expressway) or to cut though the Old Tampines Rd. As it was pretty late already, I went by TPE.
we reached her place soon, I chatted with her parents for a while and left for home soon after. I had to decide on which route to take again. as I was tired and hungry, therefore I decided to take the Old Tampines Rd, as it was a shorter route & it near to Hougang where there are coffee place which i can take some snacks.
Half way through, I was beginning to feel like something is sitting behind me. It seems that My bike was heavier by the second and no matter how hard I turned the throttle, the 200cc bike could not go faster. I was running on full tank.
I felt a spooked. I sensed something behind me and I felt something brushing on my neck. Come to think of it, it actually felt like hair! Well, I couldn’t sustain my curiosity and quickly turned my head to see what’s (or who’s) bothering me.
I had the shock of life. I saw someone, or something. I assumed it was a lady, in white, with long hair. MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… IT’S A PONTIANAK!!
She was sitting on my bike, the “kampong” style, i.e. Her legs were not across the seat but instead she was seating on the side, her legs together and facing my right direction. Thank god I didn’t get to see her face!
I didn’t spend too much time “admiring” her. In the split second, I looked back in front and focused on the road. Kept praying to myself… Please GOD help me!!
Soon I reached the main road, thank God. I sped all the way home. One piece of advise for all bikers out there, NEVER take the Old Tampines Rd at night. Never!
File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Paranormal Stories,
Readers Contributions,
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Tampines Pontianak
The Pontianak ghost
Along the way, I would learn all the different varieties of ghosts that we have, especially the most prominent one, the pontianak, which is created when a woman dies in childbirth and comes back to haunt the living. Due to the circumstances of her creation, her main preys are pregnant women and newborn children so both ‘target groups’ are forbidden to leave their homes after dark.
I had a recent online chat with my cousin from back home and whilst asking about her now one year old daughter, the subject of ghosts came up. She was left alone that week as her teacher husband was away on camp with his students and she was staying over at her parents’ until he came back.
I tried to convince her to just stay at home instead of going through the trouble of packing 101 things for herself and her eight month old daughter but she confessed to being afraid to be alone, not for fear of criminals or the like, but for fear of ghosts and goblins dropping in on the both of them without a (supposedly) strong male figure around.
I should have been more empathetic to her since I had just received an email with a picture of what looked like a pontianak perching on a tree somewhere in her neighbouring housing estate.
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File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Paranormal Articles,
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Dooms Day Dream of ShiJie
How Dooms Day will strike in my dream of 21st Dec 2012 night time
Since the 20th of December, my friends and I were on the group chat (whatsapp) , chatting and joking about December 21st, the so called Dooms day as per the Mayan calendar. we talk , chat , joke, poke fun, talk rubbish etc... on this topic all the way till december 21st evening time itself.
then during the night of december 21st itself when I was sleeping, a dream came upon me on how will dooms day strike upon us.
Just like what Nostradamus, mention about a calm morning in the prediction of PSY's Gangnam Style, similarly Dooms day in my dream also occur on a very usual calm morning just like any other normal days.
But again just when you thought that it is just any other normal usual days , you are wrong.
indeed it appear like any other usual normal day but suddenly humans began to gather around down the streets in crowds and as a matter of time it broke up into a gang fight and riots downs the streets and roads all over the place.
this lead into us humans killing one another
[Click here to read full article]
Contributed by : ShiJie
Since the 20th of December, my friends and I were on the group chat (whatsapp) , chatting and joking about December 21st, the so called Dooms day as per the Mayan calendar. we talk , chat , joke, poke fun, talk rubbish etc... on this topic all the way till december 21st evening time itself.
then during the night of december 21st itself when I was sleeping, a dream came upon me on how will dooms day strike upon us.
Just like what Nostradamus, mention about a calm morning in the prediction of PSY's Gangnam Style, similarly Dooms day in my dream also occur on a very usual calm morning just like any other normal days.
But again just when you thought that it is just any other normal usual days , you are wrong.
indeed it appear like any other usual normal day but suddenly humans began to gather around down the streets in crowds and as a matter of time it broke up into a gang fight and riots downs the streets and roads all over the place.
this lead into us humans killing one another
[Click here to read full article]
Contributed by : ShiJie
Official Statement from NASA about Dec 21 2012
Beyond 2012: Why the World Won't End
Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know, however, it will be another winter solstice.
Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the claims behind the end of the world quickly unravel when pinned down to the 2012 timeline.
Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
Q: Is NASA predicting a "total blackout" of Earth on Dec. 23 to Dec. 25?
Q: Could planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the Earth's crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?
Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of the world ending in 2012?
Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
[Click here to read full article]
Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know, however, it will be another winter solstice.
Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the claims behind the end of the world quickly unravel when pinned down to the 2012 timeline.
Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Answer (A):The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.
Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.
Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.
Q: Is NASA predicting a "total blackout" of Earth on Dec. 23 to Dec. 25?
A: Absolutely not. Neither NASA nor any other scientific organization is predicting such a blackout. The false reports on this issue claim that some sort of "alignment of the Universe" will cause a blackout. There is no such alignment (see next question). Some versions of this rumor cite an emergency preparedness message from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. This is simply a message encouraging people to be prepared for emergencies, recorded as part of a wider government preparedness campaign. It never mentions a blackout.
Q: Could planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. One major alignment occurred in 1962, for example, and two others happened during 1982 and 2000. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the Earth's crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-switch to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. Scientists believe a magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia.
Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA Near-Earth Object Program Office website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.
Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of the world ending in 2012?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.
Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.
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File Under:
Doomsday Prophecies,
Paranormal Activities
Friday, December 21, 2012
Is Dec. 21, 2012 the End of the World?
Don’t make any rash decisions: Experts say 12/21/12 is going to be just another typical winter solstice.
Killer solar flares aren’t expected. Another planet isn’t on a collision course with ours. And the Mayan “long count calendar” ending on this date has no real significance — they had to end it somewhere!
So, What is All the Fuss About?
There are a number of theories and predictions that call for earth’s demise on Dec. 21, 2012. They include:
The ending of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans, according to a Sarasota, Fla. Patch article, kept three separate calendars. The “long calendar” ends on Dec. 21. Some say this constitutes a Doomsday prediction; many do not.
Nostradamus. That famed French seer from the 1500s has been credited with predicting several end-of-the-world scenarios that some believe will take place in 2012. The website December212012.com points to the potential sparking of World War III on this date.
The collision of Earth and the supposed planet Nibiru. This supposed space catastrophe was initially predicted to strike back in 2003. The planet in question was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to NASA. When the world didn’t end in 2003, the date was moved to December 2012 for the deadly collision with earth.
What are the Experts Saying?
The intrigue created by multiple end-of-the-world predictions has made some scholars and even NASA stand up to make statements debunking the claims. And they’re all saying the same thing: Go ahead and pay that mortgage bill and wrap those holiday presents.
Killer solar flares aren’t expected. Another planet isn’t on a collision course with ours. And the Mayan “long count calendar” ending on this date has no real significance — they had to end it somewhere!
So, What is All the Fuss About?
There are a number of theories and predictions that call for earth’s demise on Dec. 21, 2012. They include:
The ending of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans, according to a Sarasota, Fla. Patch article, kept three separate calendars. The “long calendar” ends on Dec. 21. Some say this constitutes a Doomsday prediction; many do not.
Nostradamus. That famed French seer from the 1500s has been credited with predicting several end-of-the-world scenarios that some believe will take place in 2012. The website December212012.com points to the potential sparking of World War III on this date.
The collision of Earth and the supposed planet Nibiru. This supposed space catastrophe was initially predicted to strike back in 2003. The planet in question was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to NASA. When the world didn’t end in 2003, the date was moved to December 2012 for the deadly collision with earth.
What are the Experts Saying?
The intrigue created by multiple end-of-the-world predictions has made some scholars and even NASA stand up to make statements debunking the claims. And they’re all saying the same thing: Go ahead and pay that mortgage bill and wrap those holiday presents.
File Under:
Doomsday Prophecies,
Paranormal Articles
Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard
The story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood is one of the most famous from the Bible, and now an acclaimed underwater archaeologist thinks he has found proof that the biblical flood was actually based on real events.
In an interview with Christiane Amanpour for ABC News, Robert Ballard, one of the world's best-known underwater archaeologists, talked about his findings. His team is probing the depths of the Black Sea off the coast of Turkey in search of traces of an ancient civilization hidden underwater since the time of Noah.
Ballard's track record for finding the impossible is well known. In 1985, using a robotic submersible equipped with remote-controlled cameras, Ballard and his crew hunted down the world's most famous shipwreck, the Titanic.
Now Ballard is using even more advanced robotic technology to travel farther back in time. He is on a marine archeological mission that might support the story of Noah. He said some 12,000 years ago, much of the world was covered in ice.
[Click here to read full article]
In an interview with Christiane Amanpour for ABC News, Robert Ballard, one of the world's best-known underwater archaeologists, talked about his findings. His team is probing the depths of the Black Sea off the coast of Turkey in search of traces of an ancient civilization hidden underwater since the time of Noah.
Ballard's track record for finding the impossible is well known. In 1985, using a robotic submersible equipped with remote-controlled cameras, Ballard and his crew hunted down the world's most famous shipwreck, the Titanic.
Now Ballard is using even more advanced robotic technology to travel farther back in time. He is on a marine archeological mission that might support the story of Noah. He said some 12,000 years ago, much of the world was covered in ice.
[Click here to read full article]
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Mayan apocalypse: Turkish village becomes latest doomsday hotspot
A Turkish village has become the latest apocalypse hotspot, with believers of the Mayan calendar prediction that the world will end on December 21 flooding into the area.
Some New Age spiritualists are convinced of a December 21 "doomsday" foretold by Mayan hieroglyphs – at least according to some interpretations.
Sirince, a village of around 600 inhabitants near the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, has a positive energy according to the doomsday cultists, who say that it is close to an area where Christians believe the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven.
The Mayan prophecy has sparked a tourism boom in the village, which is now expected to host more than 60,000 visitors according to local media.
"It is the first time we witness such an interest during the winter season," said Ilkan Gulgun, one of the hotel owners in Sirince, quoted by the media.
[Click here to read full article]
Some New Age spiritualists are convinced of a December 21 "doomsday" foretold by Mayan hieroglyphs – at least according to some interpretations.
Sirince, a village of around 600 inhabitants near the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, has a positive energy according to the doomsday cultists, who say that it is close to an area where Christians believe the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven.
The Mayan prophecy has sparked a tourism boom in the village, which is now expected to host more than 60,000 visitors according to local media.
"It is the first time we witness such an interest during the winter season," said Ilkan Gulgun, one of the hotel owners in Sirince, quoted by the media.
[Click here to read full article]
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast
Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.
For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.
[Click here to read full article]
For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.
[Click here to read full article]
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Does Psy's 'Gangnam Style' fulfill a Nostradamus Doomsday 2012 prophesy?
As December 21, 2012 draws near, many believers in the "Doomsday" scenario look to an old friend for guidance: Nostradamus.
And one video on YouTube claims to have found evidence that the world's most famous seer knew just what omen would signify the end of the world. That's right. It's PSY's "Gangnam Style" video which has broken all-time records for viewing.
According to an article posted to Blogger on Monday, December 10, the worldwide phenomenon triggered by the video fulfills one of Nostradamus' quatrain prophesies about the apocalypse scheduled to occur on the winter solstice.
"From the calm morning, the end will come, when of the dancing horse, the number of circles will be nine."
As usual, the quatrain is deliberately vague and open to interpretation.
[Click here to read full article]
And one video on YouTube claims to have found evidence that the world's most famous seer knew just what omen would signify the end of the world. That's right. It's PSY's "Gangnam Style" video which has broken all-time records for viewing.
According to an article posted to Blogger on Monday, December 10, the worldwide phenomenon triggered by the video fulfills one of Nostradamus' quatrain prophesies about the apocalypse scheduled to occur on the winter solstice.
"From the calm morning, the end will come, when of the dancing horse, the number of circles will be nine."
As usual, the quatrain is deliberately vague and open to interpretation.
[Click here to read full article]
File Under:
Doomsday Prophecies,
Paranormal News
Monday, December 17, 2012
About Pontianak
One of the most enduring legends of South East Asia is the Pontianak, said to be a bone-white lady, with ruby-red eyes, who is borne from her death in birth-giving. The Pontianak, or sometimes called the “Kuntilanak”, lives in almost all of South East Asia, except the Indochina region. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines have the blood-drinking ghoul in their folklore.
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File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Papua New Guinea,
Paranormal Articles,
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Pontianak Spotted at Blk 846 Tampines St 82
i took this picture myself while on the way home with my cousin, spotted something flew from a nearby school across the road and landed on a tree when we stop at the traffic junction...
told my cousin to ride slowly as we make a right turn n i snap a pic with my O2 Atom...if u're curious where exactly i took this pic...well...it's at Blk 846 Tampines St 82...yes..just a few
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File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Paranormal Stories,
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nears
Ahead of December 21, which marks the conclusion of the 5,125-year "Long Count" Mayan calendar, panic buying of candles and essentials has been reported in China and Russia, along with an explosion in sales of survival shelters in America. In France believers were preparing to converge on a mountain where they believe aliens will rescue them.
The precise manner of Armageddon remains vague, ranging from a catastrophic celestial collision between Earth and the mythical planet Nibiru, also known as Planet X, a disastrous crash with a comet, or the annihilation of civilisation by a giant solar storm.
In America Ron Hubbard, a manufacturer of hi-tech underground survival shelters, has seen his business explode.
"We've gone from one a month to one a day," he said. "I don't have an opinion on the Mayan calendar but, when astrophysicists come to me, buy my shelters and tell me to be prepared for solar flares, radiation, EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) ... I'm going underground on the 19th and coming out on the 23rd. It's just in case anybody's right."
In the French Pyrenees the mayor of Bugarach, population 179, has attempted to prevent pandemonium by banning UFO watchers and light aircraft from the flat topped mount Pic de Bugarach.
File Under:
Doomsday Prophecies,
Paranormal Articles
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Banana Tree Spirit spellcrafts Method
Many spells, especially divinition spells require the invocation of certain spirits. Well, this can be good and bad. For the beginner, i'd advice against it. Amongst the dangers of spiritual invocations are possesion, where the spirit takes hold of your body. Although most spirits are virtually harmless, there are those who, over the years have gotten their own brand of magic, and it is there spirits you have to watch out for.
The ancient art of summoning spirits is known as necromancy. In some places, experienced necromancers summon spirits to posses them temporarily to get in contact with the "other side".
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File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Paranormal Articles,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Method to summon Banana Tree Spirit
Local Chinese believe that some banana plants have spirit dwellers. This is especially true that if a banana plant is smeared with human blood; hence the banana plantation workers are very careful when working around banana plants. These types of spirits are normally manifested as female spirits. In the perspective of feng shui, banana plants are said of ‘yin’ type and tend to attract spirits.
Legend has it that the lady spirit of a banana plant is extremely beautiful and can be summoned for various purposes. These rituals must be done when a banana plant is blossoming:
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File Under:
Ghosts and Hauntings,
Paranormal Articles,
Monday, December 10, 2012
Villagers mystified by strange animal
SERIAN: An Indonesian plantation worker and a 75-year-old farmer got the shock of their lives when they were attacked by an unknown animal species in two separate occasions earlier this month.
The farmer, Aris Kuna of Kampung Paon Gahat, was attacked by the rare animal while attending to his pepper garden about noon. The foreigner, however, was attacked a week later at a plantation near Kpg Baing while gathering oil palm fresh fruit bunches around 9am.
The animal that attacked the duo was described as having a ‘bear and wild boar’ resemblance. Fellow workers and villagers who saw the carcass, brought by the Indonesian, could not identify the animal species.
“It’s a rare species. None of the villagers could identify it when we saw the body and pictures of it. Some even took to the Internet to find out but to no avail. Could it be one of those already considered extinct?
“In all my life venturing into the jungle, hunting and such, I’ve never come across this species,” 62-year-old Louis Nyaoi said when met at his house in Kpg Mentung Marau, some 50km from here yesterday.
His son Jimmy Tubo, 27, believed that the rare animal could have reappeared due to the opening of the nearby jungle for agriculture and other developments.
When relating the ordeal of the foreign worker, Jimmy said the Indonesian had claimed that the animal gave a strange noise, firstly sounding like a hen followed by a wild boar sound, before proceeding to attack.
The victim alleged that the animal stood up on its hind legs when charging at him. He immediately swung his sickle, killing the animal instantly.
Jimmy, who works with the Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) added that the animal which attacked the Indonesian measured two feet long.
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Sunday, December 9, 2012
Mysterious object scares villagers
DADU, Nov 29: Fear and bewilderment overtook some parts of Dadu district after some mysterious objects fell on a number of villages late on Wednesday night.
The biggest fragment weighing 187 kilograms fell on a ground in Allah Jurio Lund village, 30 kilometres from Dadu. Other pieces fell on Pir Mashaikh, Shehak Rodnani and Khandhani villages.
There were no injuries or damage to property.
(According to news agencies, military authorities took possession of the “heavy pieces of engine and other metallic objects, believed to be splinters of a satellite or missile”.
An Army team, headed by Commanding Officer of Hyderabad, Col. Mushtaque, arrived in Dadu on Thursday and started investigation after taking two pieces of the object).
Sain Bux Loond, a villager, told journalists that he was at his home when a loud bang drew him outside. “First I couldn’t make head or tail of the scene before my eyes. After gathering my wits I dashed to the police station and told them what I had seen,” Loond said.
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Saturday, December 8, 2012
2012 Mayan Apocalypse Rumors Have Dark Side, NASA Warns
NASA scientists took time on Wednesday (Nov. 28) to soothe 2012 doomsday fears, warning against the dark side of Mayan apocalypse rumors — frightened children and suicidal teens who truly fear the world may come to an end Dec. 21.
These fears are based on misinterpretations of the Mayan calendar. On the 21st, the date of the winter solstice, a calendar cycle called the 13th b'ak'tun comes to an end. Although Maya scholars agree that the ancient Maya would not have seen this day as apocalyptic, rumors have spread that a cosmic event may end life on Earth on that day.
Thus NASA's involvement. The space agency maintains a 2012 information page debunking popular Mayan apocalypse rumors, such as the idea that a rogue planet will hit Earth on Dec. 21, killing everyone. (In fact, astronomers are quite good at detecting near-Earth objects, and any wandering planet scheduled to collide with Earth in three weeks would be the brightest object in the sky behind the sun and moon by now.)
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File Under:
Doomsday Prophecies,
Paranormal Articles
Friday, December 7, 2012
‘Sorcerer’ who believed his tattoos made him invincible arrested in Thailand
A “sorcerer” tattooist has been arrested in northeastern Thailand after several brawls involving his disciples who believed his body art made them invincible, police said Tuesday.
Boonyong Luangjumpol was held for possession of guns after officers raided his home following a spate of fights in the province of Kalasin, local police chief Major General Kanisorn Noinard told AFP.
He said the 29-year-old was renowned in the area for creating love potions, as well as his sideline in tattoos which teenage followers believed could protect them from gunshot or knife wounds.
“Police arrested the teenagers and asked them why they fought. They said they were tattooed because they believed it would make them invincible and wanted to test whether it works or not… they used sticks and knives, but guns are rarely seen in the brawls,” Kanisorn said.
When asked if the fights had injured any of the followers, he said “every single one” was hurt.
Police decided to conduct the raid because of the links to the brawls, which tended to occur after Buddhist festivals, Kanisorn added. They found several guns and machetes at Boonyong’s home, he said.
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File Under:
Bizarre and Weird,
Paranormal News,
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Vietnam and High (Humanoid) Strangeness in Wartime
There are few periods in World History that become murkier than those during which conflict erupts. Within this already darkened jurisdiction of past studies, perhaps no era is quite so strange and troubling as those years during which the infamous Vietnam conflict had been waged.
Falling between the final years of the 1960s, the United States became embroiled in the conflict with the intention of aiding South Vietnam, and of course, to bolster the ongoing effort toward the spread of democracy in parts of the world still riddled by Communism. So far as historic periods of conflict are concerned, Vietnam is indeed remembered as one of the darker periods in history; and within its shadows of obscurity, there are nonetheless a number of curious accounts and seldom-spoken mysteries which have prevailed over the years, begging questions as to what kinds of odd operations might have been taking place “behind the scenes,”so to speak.
That is, of course, if such strange stories can be believed. Indeed, some of the more bizarre accounts from the Vietnam years are so strange, they might likely fall beyond the jurisdictions of what can even be considered “believable.” And yet, the stories persist… which include accounts of friendly giants, glowing nonhumans, and winged wonder-women drifting about the deep jungles by cover of night.
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File Under:
Paranormal Articles,
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Chinese Lanterns: Rashes of UFOs Appearing Along the India/China Border?
It’s is something we’ve been hearing about for weeks now: a number of news outlets have carried the story of what literally could be described as rashes of unidentified luminescent objects, seen hovering in the skies near the border between the Asian countries of India and China. While theories exist, news outlets (particularly in India) have seemed to indicate that the country’s military is concerned about the presence of these objects, and what their true origin may be.
Others, however, have put forth the claim that these objects are simply mundane appearances of “Chinese Lanterns” (a famous, and very convenient “explanation” issued for the majority of UFO reports that emerge in recent years). But could there be something more to the stories of odd lights we’ve been hearing of in recent weeks? Are they truly the mere result of some mundane phenomenon, or might there be evidence of some technological presence present here?
The reports are indeed curious, and although conventional explanations can’t be ruled out, official studies seem to remain inconclusive in determining what kind of phenomenon, specifically, may be underlying these strange appearances. The craft in question have variously been described as luminous “orbs” or “lobes,” and are objects capable of emitting a glowing light at both night and daytime. According to a report featured at the World News Tomorrow Website, which referenced material that originally appeared in India Today, military officials in the East do seem to remain stumped by the objects and their curious appearances:
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
North Korea: Researchers Find 'Unicorn Lair'
The world is stunned by the totalitarian state's declaration that experts have found the spot where an ancient king kept unicorn.
North Korea has raised eyebrows around the world by announcing that researchers have proved the existence of the unicorn.
The official state news agency says archaeologists "reconfirmed" the existence of a "unicorn lair" in Pyongyang, once used by an ancient Korean king.
The Korean Central News Agency reports that archaeologists made the extraordinary discovery when they spotted a rectangular rock carved with the words "unicorn lair" 200m from the city's Yongmyong temple.
The report quotes Jo Hui Sung, director of North Korea's history institute, explaining how the find tallies with information in history books from the 16th century.
He says: "Korea's history books deal with the unicorn, considered to be ridden by King Tongmyong, and its lair.
"The temple served as a relief palace for King Tongmyong, in which there is the lair of his unicorn."
[Click here to read full article]
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Asiaparnaormal Special ( Writers & Contributors)
Dear Readers & Supporters,
Team Asiaparnaormal is looking into more means to expand and further explore ourselves.
We are looking for Writers and contributors and if you feel you are one of the below , do feel free to drop us an email to discuss futher
1) Do you have any personal paranormal experiences to share ?
If you have any, do write in to us and the ones which we have selected will be posted on Asiaparanormal blog posting under Reader's Contributions.
Should you have any doubts and would to know more do drop us an email at asiaparanormal@gmail.com
2) Do you have any interests in promoting your own writings that is related to paranormal ?
If you have any would you to share & promote with others your work piece and that you need a source as a platform to do so, you may want to consider as, Team Asiaparanormal.
For more enquires on collaboration with us, do send us an email at asiaparanormal@gmail.com and we share discuss further there.
We look forward towards your hearing from you and to have your support
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From the Team that brought to you:
Team Asiaparnaormal is looking into more means to expand and further explore ourselves.
We are looking for Writers and contributors and if you feel you are one of the below , do feel free to drop us an email to discuss futher
1) Do you have any personal paranormal experiences to share ?
If you have any, do write in to us and the ones which we have selected will be posted on Asiaparanormal blog posting under Reader's Contributions.
Should you have any doubts and would to know more do drop us an email at asiaparanormal@gmail.com
2) Do you have any interests in promoting your own writings that is related to paranormal ?
If you have any would you to share & promote with others your work piece and that you need a source as a platform to do so, you may want to consider as, Team Asiaparanormal.
For more enquires on collaboration with us, do send us an email at asiaparanormal@gmail.com and we share discuss further there.
We look forward towards your hearing from you and to have your support
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From the Team that brought to you:
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Asiaparanormal Special ( Members)
Dear Readers ,
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If you have any interest or enquiries to join us, please do send to us an email at :
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Thanks you for all of support till present & Team Asiaparanormal would like to announce that we are looking for interested personnels who would like to join us as part of our team.
If you have any interest or enquiries to join us, please do send to us an email at :
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