IWAKI, Fukushima Pref. (Kyodo)

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A team from an aquarium in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, has succeeded in capturing the world's first photographs of juvenile coelacanths, a fish regarded as a living fossil, off Indonesia's Sulawesi Island.
According to Aquamarine Fukushima, the fry were found Oct. 6 at a depth of 161 meters in Manado Bay off North Sulawesi Province, where the Indonesian coelacanth was first discovered more than a decade ago.
While little is known about the breeding habits of coelacanths, examination of captured specimens has shown that their eggs hatch inside the female and the young, known as pups, are born as fully formed juveniles.
The fry photographed by Aquamarine Fukushima were 31.5 cm long and appeared to be newborn.
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